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The Monk: A Romance

M. G. Lewis

Book Overview: 

Matthew Gregory Lewis's The Monk: A Romance is a story of frustrated and unrequited desire between mentor and pupil mixed with elements of the supernatural. It includes several subplots: rape, torture, incest and demonic plots. It is the old story of the forces of good versus the forces of evil, except that in this one evil comes out ahead.

A film adaption, The Monk, was made by French-German director Dominik Moll in 2011. It was shot in Madrid and stars Vincent Cassel, Déborah François, Geraldine Chaplin, and Sergi López.

This novel shares a number of traits with Ann Radcliffe gothic novels, The Italian and The Mysteries of Udolpho.

Recommended for fans of Dean Koontz and Stephen King.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .I love my Sister too well to judge her harshly; and till this moment I possessed no Friend so dear to me as yourself. I will also confess, that your having it in your power to oblige me in a business which I have much at heart, makes me very anxious to find you still deserving my esteem.'

'Lorenzo, you transport me! No greater pleasure can be given me, than an opportunity of serving the Brother of Agnes.'

'Convince me that I can accept your favours without dishonour, and there is no Man in the world to whom I am more willing to be obliged.'

'Probably, you have already heard your Sister mention the name of Alphonso d'Alvarada?'

'Never. Though I feel for Agnes an affection truly fraternal, circumstances have prevented us from being much together. While yet a Child She was consigned to the care of her Aunt, who had married a German Nobleman. At his Castle She remained till two years since, when She returned to Spain, . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Revived review because I just found the cover of the edition I read way back when - check it out -

That is soooooo trashy! Could it be any trashier if she was in a bikini?

Anyway... original review follows.


Calling all Gothic Novel fans : you have to read The Monk - this

Ambrosio, the abbot, is the perfect monk, head of an abbey in Madrid, and the idol of the city, a young, handsome, charismatic man, with a spellbinding voice, that thrills the congregation at his church. All the people flock to it, to hear his sermons, five minutes after the bells ring, the church i

”Lucifer stood before him a second time. He borrowed the Seraph’s form to deceive Ambrosio. He appeared in all that ugliness, which since his fall from heaven had been his portion: His blasted limbs still bore marks of the Almighty’s thunder: A swarthy darkness spread itself over his gigantic form:

I love this cover. It is closer to the feel of the novel than any plot description I could possibly give.

How does one describe the plot of this book? Yes, there is a synopsis that describes one of the plot lines, but the book is all over the place. Extremely entertaining, but with enough plot lines

Among the controversial literary works published throughout world history, few have sparked the level of outrage and obsession associated with Matthew Lewis’ 1796 novel The Monk. Even before his book bugged out eyes all across London, the patriarch was feeling hesitant toward Gothic plots. On one ha

Scandalous and scintillating, The Monk is a literary marvel.

Click here to watch a video review of this book on my BookTube channel, From Beginning to Bookend.

Behold, the book that ruined Matthew Gregory Lewis' career. When it was first published in 1796, The Monk was deemed too scandalous for po


Αυτό το "γοτθικό" κλασικό βιβλίο με οδήγησε στην Ισπανία του μεσαίωνα σε ένα κλίμα δεισιδαιμονίας θρησκευτικής αποχαύνωσης και διαστροφής.

Τοποθετημένο σε ένα μεσαιωνικό μοναστήρι με έναν χαρισματικά και αγγελικά διεστραμμένο καλόγερο που μαγεύει τα πλήθη, αρχίζει να περιπλέκεται

When I was younger, I avoided this book because the literary snob in me--a much more insistent voice back then than now--had decided, on the basis of ”informed opinion,” that “The Monk” was a calculated exercise in sensationalism, a device for producing horrific thrills through the deliberate, explo

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