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Menosaurus: Tyrannosaur Droid Boy

SJ House

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Menosaurus: Tyrannosaur Droid Boy | SJ House

Menosaurus: Tyrannosaur Droid Boy

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The year is 3017.
Before Aero-cars or space-rockets, humans or dinosaurs; before our planet was home to any form of breathing organism, a race more powerful than you can imagine watched over from a planet known as Prehistoria. The Menosaurs, as they are known, first discovered Planet Earth which they called Mordex. To them it was the richest planet beyond their solar system, beyond their galaxy. Why? Earth was the greatest known source of an invaluable rock named Grandidierite, known to them as Astronomite.
Half-dinosaur half-human themselves, the Menosaurs took Planet Earth as their own. Here, over two-hundred-and-thirty million years ago, they created dinosaurs in their own image, used the Earth as their harvest grounds, wanting to evolve symbiotically with their surroundings.
But they weren't the only race among the undiscovered solar-systems that wanted ownership of our planet. The Mantoids, sworn enemy to the Menosaurs, had their beady eyes on the same prize.
Back on Earth, Rex, a technologically-adapted fourteen-year-old boy, half-tech half-human, and his rather paranoid furry yeti-droid care-taker, Rion, find Tarock the young Menosaur whose asteroid egg-capsule crashes into Earth near their home, on route to Prehistoria. Unfortunately, the U.S. Marines have also been alerted to the alien capsule's arrival, and they're not about to let this 'thing' walk free.

“Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?” asks Rion. His furry brows rise to the night sky.

“Well, we’ve come this far and I—”

Rion interrupts, “What… you sleepwalked all the way here, Rex? You would’ve bumped into a few trees a few miles back. I don’t think your father’s going to buy a sleepwalking story for one minute.”

“But, Rion, what choice do we have? We have to find it. It needs our help. We can’t just leave it out here in the caves to die.”

“Okay,” Rion sighs, “so just let me compute this situation, Rex, for one moment. You, a boy of fourteen years old, want to climb down into a pitch-dark, unknown cave at 02:00 a.m., to confront a dinosaur-alien that might be dangerous and that could perhaps kill you. Correct?”

You’re not the boss of me! Rex thinks stubbornly, but of course, it’s Rion’s job to keep him from danger. “Well, I’m not going in first, Rion. You’re a seven-foot yeti-droid, and I’ll be right behind you all the way.”

Suddenly, they hear a rustling sound in the brush behind Rion. He glances over his shoulder. A large speckled-grey wolf appears, then freezes in its tracks as their eyes meet for a fleeting moment.

Oh… nice wolfy…” growls Rion, grinning and baring his fangs, “good boy…”

The wolf cowers low, whining, then speeds off for its life into the safety of the undergrowth.

Rion shrugs his shoulders, turning back to Rex and wanting to say, “What’s that wolf’s problem?” but to his horror… Rex has vanished.

“Rex,” he whispers frantically. “Rex! Where are you, Rex?”

“I’m down here, Rion,” he hears Rex’s voice echoing back. “Come on!”

“Oh, no. Here we go; Rogue Robot prison duties, here I come.” Rion places his furry paws on the boulder and swings himself down into the blackness of the cave. “Night vision,” announces his internal computer voice.

Rex is standing right before him with a straight index finger held to his lips. “Shhh,” he warns, “it’s down there.” He points into the pitch-blackness, hearing a wailing noise from something clearly in pain.

Master Rex,” Rion growls, trying to get formal, but knowing it’s way too late for that, “this is crazy. You’re going to get yourself killed, and me unprogrammed.”

“Listen,” whispers Rex, just as they hear another cry. “It’s in pain. We need to help it.”

“Right,” says Rion, “get behind me. I’ll activate my forcefield. It’s the only way. Stay in tight.”

“Shields up,” announces Rion’s computer voice, and they’re both instantly encased in a ghostly white, shimmering outline. Rion starts to move forward, hunching under the jagged cave ceiling as his green night vision illuminates the way in front. At the same time, they can hear more cries of agony.

The roof of the cave is becoming lower and lower the further they go. Rion is now almost crawling on his knees with Rex crouching directly behind him. “I’m not sure how much further I can go, Rex. It’s too narrow. The roof is closing in on us.” Then Rion stops suddenly and they hear another cry. But this cry isn’t echoing in the distance. This cry is close, very close.

“Can you see him?” asks Rex. His stomach clenches nervously. His human eye desperately strains to see into the darkness while his camera eye is blocked by a mass of Rion’s fur.

“I’m not sure.” Rion’s eyes home in. “There seems to be a—”

Then, suddenly, from out of nowhere, a shadow moves swiftly in front of Rion’s night vision. Just as it does, it gets caught in the flash of light from Rion’s sights. It screams and Rex’s ears ring. Light gleams in its wild staring eyes, like the eyes of a deer caught in full-beam headlights.

“Holy cow!” blurts Rion jolting back and hitting his head on a jagged rock; his onboard computer screen glitches for a second.

“What was that?” shouts Rex. “What’s happening? What’s going on?” He clenches and unclenches his fists, his whole body tense. Adrenaline hurtles through his veins. “What is it?”

“It’s… it’s a…”

“It’s a whatit’s a what?” demands Rex, impatiently now. “Are your cells draining? What the heck is it?”

“It’s just a young boy, Rex. There’s a boy down here.”

“A young boy?” asks Rex. “A boy… are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure, alright! There’s a boy down here and—”

“You mean we’ve been chasing a boy?” Rex interrupts. “I saw… we both saw… a dinosaur, Rion, with our own eyes. We chased it and it came down here—” Rex is interrupted by another cry of pain. He gasps. “Hello?” he calls, his voice echoing. “We know you’re in here. We won’t harm you; we just want to help. We’re not your enemy.”

The cave is silent now, not a sound while they both squat in the darkness, waiting for a reply. Then Rion speaks, “We mean you no harm, friend. We don’t wish to hurt you. We come in peace—”

“We come in peace?” asks Rex in surprise. Just for a split second, laughter makes his lips twitch. “You’ve been watching too many of my old, classic, science-fiction movies.”

“Well, what else do you want me to say, Rex? Do you happen to have an alien communication textbook at hand so that I can read it in a nanosecond?”

“There!” whispers Rex loudly, ignoring Rion’s sarcasm. He notices movement in the shadows of Rion’s glowing light. “Look… there! I can see him.”

Rion stares at where Rex’s finger points into a dark jagged corner of the cave and, sure enough, a boy is cowering against the rock.

“It’s okay,” affirms Rex, his camera eye focusing, rapidly piercing the darkness while he creeps under Rion’s furry belly and carefully crawls toward the figure.

“Be careful, Rex.” Rion moves alongside with a hand stretched out, ready to pull him back at any moment. “Don’t get too close.”

Rex stops a few feet away. He can now clearly see the boy in the glow of Rion’s external illumination. “I’m Rex,” he calls out. “I won’t harm you. What’s your name?”

The boy just stares, wide-eyed, with a terrified look on his dirty face. His chest heaves with his frantic breathing.

“He won’t harm you. It’s okay. This is my droid, Rion. You’re safe. He won’t hurt you. What’s your name? I’m Rex.” Rex moves closer as the boy cowers further into the darkness.

“He’s very frightened,” says Rion, “I don’t think he understands us. I’ll try to translate for you.” He begins recording Rex’s voice, then starts to replay it back, mouthing his words in thousands of different dialects.

“That just sounds freaky, Rion. Stop it! You’ll frighten him even more.”

“He’s not responding anyway. None of them seem to be working. Look, he’s bleeding… or, at least, something seems to be oozing out of his body.” Rion zooms in on the boy’s wound. He can see something blue, and blood-like, coming from the side of his stomach. “Just as we thought; he’s been hit. He’s losing a lot of… well… alien-type blood.”

“We need to do something,” urges Rex. “We need to help him now, before it’s too late.” The moment Rex says those words, the boy seems to take more notice of him. He cocks his head to one side like a curious bird, then leans forward slowly, holding out a hand toward Rex’s head.

Err… what’s happening, Rion? What’s he doing?”

Fred 12/18/2019
This is a great book for children. It has all the things, kids, like all together in one story. The main characters are really good with great chemistry. This is a real page-turner. The fact that it is the first book in a series makes it more enjoyable. I think all kids would love to read this book.
Don 03/20/2016
It's late one night, and the farmhouse where Rex and Rion are sleeping is rocked by a massive explosion. They investigate and find -- a tiny Tyrannosaurus Rex!

The mini-dinosaur apparently has arrived in a hollow meteorite that landed near the house and, while Rex and Rion watch breathlessly, it morp

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