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Men of Iron

Howard Pyle

Book Overview: 

Men of Iron by Howard Pyle is historical fiction that transports us back to the 1400’s, a time of knighthood and chivalry. Myles Falworth is eight years old when news comes they must flee their home. His blind father is accused of treason. We see Myles grow up, train as a knight, and with perseverance, clear his father of any wrong-doing and restore their family name.

Recommended for fans of Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .From the time he had arisen that morning everything had gone wrong with Myles. He had felt himself already outrated in rendering service to the bachelors, he had quarrelled with the head of the esquires, he had nearly quarrelled with Gascoyne, and then had come the bitterest and worst of all, the knowledge that his father was an outlaw, and that the Earl would not stretch out a hand to aid him or to give him any countenance. Blunt's words brought the last bitter cut to his heart, and they stung him to fury. For a while he could not answer, but stood glaring with a face fairly convulsed with passion at the young man, who continued his toilet, unconscious of the wrath of the new recruit.

Gascoyne and Wilkes, accepting Myles's punishment as a thing of course, were about to leave the dormitory when Myles checked them.

"Stop, Francis!" he cried, hoarsely. "Thinkest thou that I will stay behind to do yon dog's dirty work? No; I go with ye."

A mo. . . Read More

Community Reviews

I read this for school, and I just could not get into it. There wasn't necessarily anything wrong with it, I just didn't enjoy it. I was pretty bored. If you have to read it, hopefully you will enjoy it a little more than I did

“Men of Iron”, includes all the elements necessary that you would expect of a typical Medieval adventure story - squires and knights in armour, jousts, royal politics, sword fights, and castles. At just over six hours the audiobook made great listening whilst I was out walking the dog and working ar

This kind of reminded me of treasure island for some reason. I think maybe it was how it was written and the coming of age themes. Overall this was a pretty fun story, except I did't quite like the way it ended with what the Priest said. But I don't wanna spoil anything so you'll have to read to see

Not as good as Robin Hood but this was a very fun read! I especially loved his childhood! When he grew up I couldn't help but lose a little interest. XD Still, I was cheering him on through the whole book and enjoyed the whole thing!!

This novel was the basis of the Hollywood movie, "The Black Shield of Falworth," starring Tony Curtis, and Janet Leigh. It depicts the struggle of young Myles Falworth to learn the truth about his family's disgrace in mediaeval England during the reign of Henry IV, and his training as first a squire

A knight's tale

This was a very straightforward story of a boy becoming a successful knight and doing great deeds. It is fun, historical, and easy to read. I enjoyed it even though it was not very complicated in character development or plot.

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