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The Man in the Iron Mask

Alexandre Dumas

Book Overview: 

In this, the last of the Three Musketeers novels, The Man In The Iron Mask builds on the true story of a mysterious prisoner held incognito in the French penal system, forced to wear a mask when seen by any but his jailer or his valet. .

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .you will be a king governing by your brain and by your sword; you will have in the government of the state no more than you will be able to manage unaided; I should only interfere with you. Besides, our friendship ought never to be, I do not say impaired, but in any degree affected, by a secret thought. I shall have given you the throne of France, you will confer on me the throne of St. Peter. Whenever your loyal, firm, and mailed hand should joined in ties of intimate association the hand of a pope such as I shall be, neither Charles V., who owned two-thirds of the habitable globe, nor Charlemagne, who possessed it entirely, will be able to reach to half your stature. I have no alliances, I have no predilections; I will not throw you into persecutions of heretics, nor will I cast you into the troubled waters of family dissension; I will simply say to you: The whole universe is our own; for me the minds of men, for you their bodies. And as I shall be the first to die, you. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Homme au Masque de Fer = The Man in the Iron Mask‬, Alexandre Dumas

The Man in the Iron Mask, is the name given to an unidentified prisoner who was arrested in 1669 or 1670 and subsequently held in a number of French prisons, including the Bastille and the Fortress of Pignerol.

He was held in the cus

(view spoiler)[ SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS How can I possibly write this review without SPOILERS when my HEART IS BROKEN INTO A THOUSAND PIECES. I miss you already, my brave Musketeer friends! I am not someone who cries easily - the only series that's ever made me cry was Stephen King's The Dark Tower. Prior to th (hide spoiler)]

Absolutely thrilling. Although I didn't start with the first book, "The Three Musketeers", I could still feel the intensity of the position. I could feel the connections and all the sentiments they had for each other, and above all, for France. Thoroughly exhilarating piece of literature. Now going

Me quedé, pero con el ojo cuadrado, buena historia, diálogos profundos y las luchas un poco desesperantes porque te gustaría entrar y ayudar, pero claramente no puedes.
Un gran clásico.

My insignificant words can hardly do justice to my love for this book, so I'll keep it short.

You can read my original review here.

If you are curious about this book because you're familiar with the title, or saw the (terrible) movie, or have read The Three Musketeers and can't be bothered with every

Parbleu! Morbleu! Corboeuf! Ma foi! Mordioux! Not to mention Cordieu! (I think they are variations of OMG).

I usually prefer to know as little as possible about the book I am about to read, including avoid reading the synopsis, or if I have read the synopsis in order to decide whether to read the boo

All of the characters in 'The Man in the Iron Mask' by Alexandre Dumas live behind an iron mask-built of honor first and foremost. Honor is first before riches or political place or family or work.

I am torn. As much as I am in love with the Musketeers I cannot accept the code of honor they live by.

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