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Lost in the Future

John Victor Peterson

Book Overview: 

Did you ever wonder what might happen if mankind ever exceeded the speed of light? Here is a profound story based on that thought--a story which may well forecast one of the problems to be encountered in space travel.

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Book Excerpt: 
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Did you ever wonder what might happen if mankind ever exceeded the speed of light? Here is a profound story based on that thought—a story which may well forecast one of the problems to be encountered in space travel.

future by ... John Victor Peterson

They had discovered a new planet—but its people did not see them until after they had traveled on.

Albrecht and I went down in a shuttleship, leaving the stellatomic orbited pole-to-pole two thousand miles above Alpha Centauri's second planet. While we took an atmosphere-brushing approach which wouldn't burn off the shuttle's skin, we went as swiftly as we could.

A week before we had completed man's first trip through hyperspace. We were now making the first landing on an inhabited planet of another sun. All the preliminary investigations had been made via electronspectroscopes and electrontelescopes fr. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Two astronauts exit hyperspace around Alpha Centauri, but things start to go strange when they descend to the surface. The two wayward astronauts are trapped seconds into the future.

That's it? Seriously, we just got here and the story is over already. It's an interesting concept that is hinted at, b