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The Life of Hon. William F. Cody

William F. Cody aka Buffalo Bill

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The Life of Hon. William F. Cody | William F. Cody aka Buffalo Bill

The Life of Hon. William F. Cody

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The life and adventures of Honorable William F. Cody–Buffalo Bill–as told by himself, make up a narrative which reads more like romance than reality, and which in many respects will prove a valuable contribution to the records of our Western frontier history. While no literary excellence is claimed for the narrative, it has the greater merit of being truthful, and is verified in such a manner that no one can doubt its veracity. The frequent reference to such military men as Generals Sheridan, Carr, Merritt, Crook, Terry, Colonel Royal, and other officers under whom Mr. Cody served as scout and guide at different times and in various sections of the frontier, during the numerous Indian campaigns of the last ten or twelve years, affords ample proof of his genuineness as a thoroughbred scout.
ded by the Indians, two months before. The next day we pulled out of camp, and the train was strung out to a considerable length along the road which ran near the foot of the sand-hills, two miles from the river. Between the road and the river we saw a large herd of buffaloes grazing quietly, they having been down to the stream for a drink.

Just at this time we observed a party of returning Californians coming from the West. They, too, noticed the buffalo herd, and in another moment they were dashing down upon them, urging their steeds to the greatest speed. The buffalo herd stampeded at once, and broke for the hills; so hotly were they pursued by the hunters that about five hundred of them rushed through our train pell-mell, frightening both men and oxen. Some of the wagons were turned clear round, and many of the terrified oxen attempted to run to the hills, with the heavy wagons attached to them. Others turned around so short that they broke the wagon tongues off. Nearly all the teams got entangled in their gearing, and became wild and unruly, so that the perplexed drivers were unable to manage them.

The buffaloes, the cattle, and the drivers, were soon running in every direction, and the excitement upset nearly everybody and everything. Many of the cattle broke their yokes and stampeded. One big buffalo bull became entangled in one of the heavy wagon-chains, and it is a fact that in his desperate efforts to free himself, he not only actually snapped the strong chain in two, but broke the ox-yoke to which it was attached, and the last seen of him he was running towards the hills with it hanging from his horns. A dozen other equally remarkable incidents happened during the short time that the frantic buffaloes were playing havoc with our train, and when they had got through and left us, our outfit was very badly crippled and scattered. This caused us to go into camp and spend a day in replacing the broken tongues, and repa

Izzy 04/10/2023
Mmmmmm it was well written, but I learned I don't like Buffalo Bill, the author and main character of the book
Jonathan 06/25/2019
From his words, it seems like Buffalo Bill never missed a shot, and maybe he didn't. His autobiography was exciting at times, but left out most of my interests. It would have been nice to read an explanation for the war against Native Americans, but that apparently wasn't important to a man of his t
Barakiel 02/06/2017
I am not an American, but am nevertheless fascinated by this period in their history. It was a boiling pot of adventure and violence. This is one of those rare occasions in history where many factors came together to create the perfect environment for extreme heroism and evil to flourish.

I had no id
Sterling 04/04/2015
This is the ninth book of my American history series. I finished Mark Twain's book Roughing It and it not only whet my appetite for some more Wild West material but I was also looking for a book to take me into the 1900s. William Cody, better known as Buffalo Bill, lived from 1846-1917. As a young b
Sally 08/04/2014
Extremely interesting first hand accounts of what it was like taming the American west. Accounts of many, many scouting trips and Indian skirmishes gets a little boring along the way. However, a good American history refresher. If you read this be sure to google and have handy a map of the American
Vanessa 12/30/2011
This is a fantastical read, which makes me take nearly everything Col Cody says with a big pinch of salt. Still, for the larger than life figure Buffalo Bill has become, it is fitting that his autobiography is a tall tale.

About 15 chapters in and I had to give up. This tales are the same, he rolls i

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