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The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

Laurence Sterne

Book Overview: 

The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (or, more briefly, Tristram Shandy) is a novel by Laurence Sterne. Its bawdy humor was popular with London society, and it has come to be seen as one of the greatest comic novels in English, as well as a forerunner for many modern narrative devices.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Leyden thro' the Hague, I walked as far as Schevling, which is two long miles, on purpose to take a view of it.

That's nothing, replied my uncle Toby, to what the learned Peireskius did, who walked a matter of five hundred miles, reckoning from Paris to Schevling, and from Schevling to Paris back again, in order to see it, and nothing else.

Some men cannot bear to be out-gone.

The more fool Peireskius, replied Dr. Slop. But mark, 'twas out of no contempt of Peireskius at all;—but that Peireskius's indefatigable labour in trudging so far on foot, out of love for the sciences, reduced the exploit of Dr. Slop, in that affair, to nothing:—the more fool Peireskius, said he again.—Why so?—replied my father, taking his brother's part, not only to make reparation as fast as he could for the insult he had given him, which sat still upon my father's mind;—but partly, that my father began really to interest himself in th. . . Read More

Community Reviews

So many great discoveries were made absolutely unintentionally…
Christopher Columbus was sailing to India and unexpectedly discovered America without any slightest suspicions.
Laurence Sterne was writing some obscure petty biography and unawares discovered postmodernism.
But the most weird and paradoxi

WARNING: This review may be inappropriate for some readers.

Ah...18th century novels: you'll find some archaic language, some sayings and references you've never heard before. Here, at least we have endnotes to help with that; thanks to them and the author's wit, it is entirely possible to get most o

When a very popular book from a different, distant era fades from view we wonder why? Published in nine installments in 1767 that would have continued except for the untimely author Laurence Sterne's demise...The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. An outrageous satire full of coarse do

'It is not things themselves, but opinions concerning things, which disturb men'.

(From the title page of Tristram Shandy written in ancient Greek and translated by the author in his Notes. The motto is by Epictetus.)


This was a re-read of a novel that I first read when I was about 14 and that has stayed fresh in my mind ever since.

It was recommended to me by my cricket coach and favourite teacher, John Carr, who taught me English for five years and cemented my passion for Literature in the early 70’s.

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