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The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights

Sir Thomas Malory

Book Overview: 

In acceding to their request I wish to say that the book as now published is merely a word-for-word reprint of my early effort to help to popularise the Arthur legends.

It is little else than an abridgment of Sir Thomas Malory’s version of them as printed by Caxton—with a few additions from Geoffrey of Monmouth and other sources—and an endeavour to arrange the many tales into a more or less consecutive story.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .That day King Arthur by himself alone slew with his word Excalibur four hundred and seventy heathens. Colgrin also, and his brother Baldulph, were slain.

Then the king bade Cador, Duke of Cornwall, follow Cheldric, the chief leader, and the remnant of his hosts, unto the uttermost. He, therefore, when he had first seized their fleet, and filled it with chosen men, to beat them back when they should fly to it at last, chased them and slew them without mercy so long as he could overtake them. And though they crept with trembling hearts for shelter to the coverts of the woods and dens of mountains, yet even so they found no safety, for Cador slew them, even one by one. Last of all he caught and slew Cheldric himself, and slaughtering a great multitude took hostages for the surrender of the rest.

Meanwhile, King Arthur turned from Badon Hill, and freed his nephew Hoel from the Scots and Picts, who besieged him in Alclud. And when he had defeated the. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Enjoyable classic filled with romantic knighting and honorable deeds.

I understand how people could have trouble reading this book. I almost put it down after the first couple of stories because it was incredibly boring, but those are the tales of secondary character knights (Sir Galahad, etc.). Once you get to the stories of principal characters, it becomes much more

I was amazed at how often everyone "smote" one another. I like the Arthur stories, but it can be a bit repetitive after a while. A lot of damsels wandering through the forest and then of course the "smiting".

Don't be confused, one of the first significant books I read, as a grade-schooler, was an illustrated copy of "Le Morte d'Arthur" by Malory. I have been enchanted by the written Arthur stories ever since. I don't recall if the text was abridged or not, but there were engraved illustrations under oni

This is Malory's Le Morte Darthur, but separated into separate stories and, in the case of one tale (The Knight of the Cart) actually re-located to a different point in the story. The Grail story is so heavily abridged that it would be incomprehensible to someone who hadn't already read the Morte. T

Brilliant story

—He sido yo quien ha conducido mi fraternal amistad por el rey Arturo hacia los escollos de la ruina y la muerte... Por lo tanto, soy indigno de orar aquí.
De pronto el recinto se iluminó con brillante luz y una suave melodía se escuchó en su ámbito, sugiriendo un armonioso coro de voces angelicales

As much as i wanted to enjoy this book, i found it mostly to be very repetitive. The majority of the book seems to consist of good knight sees damsel in distress from bad knight, knights fight, good knight wins repeat ad infinitum. Only the improvement towards the end (quest for the Holy Grail onwar

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