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Lectures on Art

John Ruskin

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Lectures on Art | John Ruskin

Lectures on Art

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or their essence is in being περὶ περὶ γένεσιν —occupied in the actual production of beautiful form or colour,—still, the highest of them are appointed also to relate to us the utmost ascertainable truth respecting visible things and moral feelings: and this pursuit of fact is the vital element of the art power;—that in which alone it can develop itself to its utmost. And I will anticipate by an assertion which you will at present think too bold, but which I am willing that you should think so, in order that you may well remember it,—the highest thing that art can do is to set before you the true image of the presence of a noble human being. it has never done more than this, and it ought not to do less.

32. The great arts—forming thus one perfect scheme of human skill, of which it is not right to call one division more honourable, though it may be more subtle, than another—have had, and can have, but three principal directions of purpose:—first, that of enforcing the religion of men; secondly, that of perfecting their ethical state; thirdly, that of doing them material service.

33. I do not doubt but that you are surprised at my saying the arts can in their second function only be directed to the perfecting of ethical state, it being our usual impression that they are often destructive of morality. But it is impossible to direct fine art to an immoral end, except by giving it characters unconnected with its fineness, or by addressing it to persons who cannot perceive it to be fine. Whosoever recognises it is exalted by it. On the other hand, it has been commonly thought that art was a most fitting means[Pg 26] for the enforcement of religious doctrines and emotions; whereas there is, as I mu

Kateryna 02/23/2022
Basically a compilation of lectures for visual art students with a few contemplations on the role of art for morale and religion. If the latter was a rather shallow Plato copywriting, the former was very interesting. Ruskin discussed the importance of lines, shadow and colors and analyzed the works
Elizabeth (Alaska) 06/07/2017
Another preliminary read for In Search of Lost Time. It is said that Proust based his writer Bergotte on John Ruskin. I expect to see Ruskin rhythm and phraseology when I get to Proust.
Cameron 06/24/2012
A handful of lectures concerning the relation of art to religion, morality and technical instruction like line, color and light. A pleasant read and low-barrier entry point to the overwhelming Ruskin canon of modern art criticism.

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