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The Last Chronicle of Barset

Anthony Trollope

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The Last Chronicle of Barset | Anthony Trollope

The Last Chronicle of Barset

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Both Trollope and some of his later critics have considered The Last Chronicle to be his greatest novel. Many of its characters are familiar from the earlier Barsetshire novels, including the Rev. Josiah Crawley, the impoverished curate of Hogglestock, whose alleged theft of £20, together with the efforts of many to clear up the mystery, lie here at the center. Central also is the trying courtship between Major Grantly and Grace Crawley, the clergyman's daughter, over the objections of the Major's parents, Archeacon Grantly and his wife; and the adventures of Johnny Eames, a protagonist of the Small House at Allington. Finally, it is in The Last Chronicle that Bishop Proudie of Barsetshire and his domineering wife, introduced in Barchester Towers, achieve their fullest and most dramatic portrayal.
and with his eyes fixed on the corner where the wall and ceiling joined each other. He had been told to be firm, and he was considering how he might best display firmness. He thought that he remembered some story of two parsons fighting for one pulpit, and he thought also that he should not himself like to incur the scandal of such a proceeding in the diocese. As to the law in the matter he knew nothing himself; but he presumed that a bishop would probably know the law better than a perpetual curate. That Mrs. Proudie was intemperate and imperious, he was aware. Had the message come from her alone, he might have felt that even for her sake he had better give way. But as the despotic arrogance of the lady had been in this case backed by the timid presence and hesitating words of her lord, Mr. Thumble thought that he must have the law on his side. "I think you will find, Mr. Crawley," said he, "that the bishop's inhibition is strictly legal." He had picked up the powerful word from Mrs. Proudie and flattered himself that it might be of use to him in carrying his purpose.

"It is illegal," said Mr. Crawley, speaking somewhat louder than before, "and will be absolutely futile. As you pleaded to me that you yourself and your own personal convenience were concerned in this matter, I have made known my intentions to you, which otherwise I should have made known only to the bishop. If you please, we will discuss the subject no further."

"Am I to understand, Mr. Crawley, that you refuse to obey the bishop?"

"The bishop has written to me, sir; and I will make known my intention to the bishop by a written answer. As you have been the bearer of the bishop's letter to me, I am bound to ask you whether I shall be indebted to you for carrying back my reply, or whether I shall send it by course of post?" Mr. Thumble considered for a moment, and then made up his mind that he had better wait, and carry back the epistle. This wa

Mara 11/13/2023
A fitting ending to the series! We get all the threads from prior books gathered back up together & it's nice to see so many characters we know have their stories resolved (some happily, some less so). I'd say for the series as a whole, I preferred the first three books over the last three, but it's
Blaine 12/14/2022
Done! The book and the entire Chronicles of Barsetshire. What can I say. Not a book for every reader and yet if you like Dickens, then Trollope is an easier read. But, my oh my are these guys wordy!! Close to 900 pages and could easily have been 300 pages left as Trollope loves to get sidetracked an
Melindam 11/05/2021
I really love Anthony Trollope and I can forgive him almost anything except having to read about Lily Dale & Adolphous Crosbie again! :(

Otherwise I love this book, even though Barchester Towers still remains my favourite book from the Barset series.
Katie 12/28/2017
As expected, this was a triumph. I love Anthony Trollope, and I have loved the Barsetshire novels so much, that I almost worried this final book might not meet my expectations, or might tamper with the novels of the previous books in ways I wouldn't like. However, I should have trusted Trollope more

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