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The Lady from the Sea

Henrik Ibsen

Book Overview: 

The title character in Ibsen's drama, Ellida Wangel, is married to a prosperous doctor, but feels stifled by her roles as wife and stepmother to her husband's two daughters by a previous marriage, Hilde and Bolette. Ten years earlier she had promised to marry another man - and on a sultry summer day, he comes back to her. Ellida must decide whether to choose the safety of her life with Wangel, or to yield to the siren song of the sea.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . . home; and that was very fortunate for me.

Arnholm. What do you mean?

Lyngstrand. Yes, for it was in the shipwreck that I got this little weakness—of my chest. I was so long in the ice-cold water before they picked me up; and so I had to give up the sea. Yes, that was very fortunate.

Arnholm. Indeed! Do you think so?

Lyngstrand. Yes, for the weakness isn't dangerous; and now I can be a sculptor, as I so dearly want to be. Just think; to model in that delicious clay, that yields so caressingly to your fingers!

Ellida. And what are you going to model? Is it to be mermen and mermaids? Or is it to be old Vikings?

Lyngstrand. No, not that. As soon as I can set about it, I am going to try if I can produce a great work—a group, as they call it.

Ellida. Yes; but what's the group to be?

Lyngstrand. Oh! something I've experienced myself.

Arnholm. Yes, yes; always stick . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Back 25 years ago I read all of Ibsen's major plays in one week, in preparation to review a production of The Wild Duck at a NY theatre for the Ibsen Journal. Don't think I've reread any of his plays since ... but a GR friend (shout out to Liam O!) recommended a novel {The Stranger from the Sea} tha

Notwithstanding its inelegant ending, I adore the play’s plot momentum as well as the play’s strange mixture of economic realism and Gothic romanticism, feminism, and existentialism. I also love the sea metaphor and imagery. Ibsen got the role of stepmom right too.

A lost love returns
15 March 2015

Okay, I have mentioned before that reading a play can be somewhat more difficult that watching it performed; one of the reasons being that sometimes it is difficult to differentiate the characters. However, after being forced to put this play down after reading the f

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