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King Solomon's Mines

Henry Rider Haggard

Book Overview: 

King Solomon’s Mines is a best-selling novel by the adventure writer H. Rider Haggard. It relates a journey into the heart of Africa by a group of adventurers led by Allan Quatermain in search of the legendary wealth said to be concealed in the mines of the novel’s title. It is significant as the first fictional adventure novel set in Africa, and is considered the genesis of the Lost World literary genre.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .on the farther side of which is a stony slope, the same down which, twenty years before, I had seen poor Silvestre creeping back after his attempt to reach Solomon's Mines, and beyond that slope begins the waterless desert, covered with a species of karoo shrub.

It was evening when we pitched our camp, and the great ball of the sun was sinking into the desert, sending glorious rays of many-coloured light flying all over its vast expanse. Leaving Good to superintend the arrangement of our little camp, I took Sir Henry with me, and walking to the top of the slope opposite, we gazed across the desert. The air was very clear, and far, far away I could distinguish the faint blue outlines, here and there capped with white, of the Suliman Berg.

"There," I said, "there is the wall round Solomon's Mines, but God knows if we shall ever climb it."

"My brother should be there, and if he is, I shall reach him somehow," said Sir Henry, in that to. . . Read More

Community Reviews

I have always been fascinated by treasure hunt books and this book surpassed my expectations. A real adventure it was! It's a story of survival, revenge, the making of a king, greatest treasure hunt, and friendship.

I was hooked from the start and the story just got more riveting with every page.

Thriller escapism in the Victorian style!

Like many of its contemporaries - Edgar Rice Burrough's Caspak, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Lost World, Jules Verne's subterranean Lidenbrock Sea and even HG Well's Island of Dr Moreau - KING SOLOMON'S MINES is a story of adventure into an exotic locale and can

دمج رائع بين التاريخ والخيال والعصر الذي عاش فيه الكاتب. احداث مشوقة وسريعة وغامضة تنتقل من مشهد الى اخر.

كنوز الملك سليمان يحصل عليها المغامرون بعد مغامرتهم الرائعة ولكن لكل منهم كنزه ومن يضحك آخراً يضحك كثيرا.

واختار افريقيا مسرحا لهذه الرواية مع ان تاريخيا كانت مملكة سليمان في آسيا. لان افريقيا تبق

هل أنا جنتلمان؟هكذا تساءل ألان كوارترمين في ذكرى ميلاده ال55
لقد عملت بيدي منذ سن 11 و
لقد قتلت عشرات الرجال لكني لم الوث يدي بدم بريء
لقد صرعت 65اسدا و كان لابد ان ينهش ساقي الأسد السادس و الستين"ا

فلنشد الرحال لافريقيا مع رواية حملات كلاسيكية {لكن نحن في أفريقيا اصلا

This book is the response to a five-shilling dare from Haggard's brother that he couldn't write a book half as good as Treasure Island. Haggard was enormously popular in his time; he and Robert Louis Stevenson were the two dominant adventure writers

It's enormously imaginative. Alan Quatermain is a b

Sir H. (Henry) Rider Haggard the British inventor of the lost civilization adventures stories has here one of his most famous and best, King Solomon's Mines a wonderful if improbable trek through the thick jungles, high mountains, scorching deserts of this fascinating land. For any person interested

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