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Kai Lung's Golden Hours

Ernest Bramah

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Kai Lung's Golden Hours | Ernest Bramah

Kai Lung's Golden Hours

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Kai Lung’s Golden Hours is a frame story or frame novel, that is, the narrative provides a frame for different stories. Think One Thousand And One Nights or Canterbury Tales. Kai Lung is an ancient Chinese storyteller who tells stories to postpone his criminal conviction in the court of a Mandarin.
scarcely have acted in this incapable manner, for each sheath was inscribed with one symbol of a magic charm and in the possession of the complete sentence resided the whole of the Being's authority and power.

Then Hia, seeing that he could no longer control her movements, and that the end to which she had been bending was attained, gathered together the fruits of her conscientious strategy and fled.

When Ning returned to the condition of ordinary perceptions he was lying alone in the field by the river-side. The great sky-fire made no pretence of averting its rays from his uncovered head, and the lesser creatures of the ground did not hesitate to walk over his once sacred form. The tent and all the other circumstances of the quest of Hia had passed into a state of no-existence, for with a somewhat narrow-minded economy the deity had called them into being with the express provision that they need only be of such a quality as would last for a single night.

With this recollection, other details began to assail his mind. His irreplaceable nail-sheaths—there was no trace of one of them. He looked again. Alas! his incomparable nails were also gone, shorn off to the level of his finger-ends. For all their evidence he might be one who had passed his days in discreditable industry. Each moment a fresh point of degradation met his benumbed vision. His profuse and ornamental locks were reduced to a single roughly-plaited coil; his sandals were inelegant and harsh; in place of his many-coloured flowing robes a scanty blue gown clothed his form. He who had been a god was undistinguishable from the labourers of the fields. Only in one thing did the resemblance fail: about his neck he found a weighty block of wood controlled by an iron ring: while they at least were free he was a captive slave.

A shadow on the grass caused him to turn. Sun Wei approached, a knotted thong in one hand, in the other a h

Timons 09/30/2023
I bought this book on the recommendation of Noel Perrin's A Reader's Delight (which I cannot overpraise and overcommend), spurred by already knowing Bramah for his Max Carrados mystery stories. But it's not the first Kai Lung collection I proceeded to read, because Perrin points out that there were
Yigal 12/06/2019
rare game of great funny writing. Kai Lung is a guy who get in troubles all the time, he is not in favour with authorities and he fell in love with the most beautiful girl around. for me it is amazing how Bramah who never went to China got it quite right. it is real fun.
Georgie-who-is-Sarah-Drew 10/05/2016
How is it possible to suspend topaz in one cup of the balance and weigh it against amethyst in the other; or who...can compare the tranquillising grace of a maiden with the invigorating pleasure of witnessing a well-contested rat-fight?

Forget the frenetic world of Facebook, the torrent of trivia tha

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