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The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

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The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806 | Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806

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"The expedition of Messrs. Lewis and Clarke, for exploring the river Missouri, and the best communication from that to the Pacific Ocean, has had all the success which could be expected. They have traced the Missouri nearly to its source; descended the Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, ascertained with accuracy the Geography, of that interesting communication across the continent; learned the character of the country, its commerce and inhabitants; and it is but justice to say that Messrs. Lewis and Clarke, and their brave companions, have, by this arduous service, deserved well of their country."
d and pounded meat and grease which they do. they also supply those establishments with a small quantity of fur, consisting principally of the large and small wolves and the small fox skins. these they barter for small kegs of ruin which they generally transport to their camps at a distance from the establishments, where they revel with their friends and relations as long as they possess the means of intoxication, their women and children are equally indulged on those occations and are all seen drunk together. so far is a state of intoxication from being a cause of reproach among them, that with the men, it is a matter of exultation that their skill and industry as hunters has enabled them to get drunk frequently. in their customs, habits, and dispositions these people very much resemble the Siouxs from whom they have descended. The principal inducement with the British fur companies, for continuing their establishments on the Assinniboin river, is the Buffaloe meat and grease they procure from the Assinniboins, and Christanoes, by means of which, they are enabled to supply provision to their engages on their return from rainy Lake to the English river and the Athabaskey country where they winter; without such resource those voyagers would frequently be straitened for provision, as the country through which they pass is but scantily supplyed with game, and the rappidity with which they are compelled to travel in order to reach their winter stations, would leave therm but little leasure to surch for food while on their voyage.

The Assinniboins have so recently left this neighbourhood, that the game is scarce and very shy. the river continues wide, and not more rapid than the Ohio in an averge state of it's current. the bottoms are wide and low, the moister parts containing some timber; the upland is extreemly broken, chonsisting of high gaulded nobs as far as the eye can reach on ether side, and entirely destitute of timber. on these hills many a

Steven 05/22/2024
A fascinating look at the journals of the two leading men of the first expedition to cross what would become the United States, from the Missouri river to the west coast. Apart from the distraction of almost randomized spelling and idioms used, this is a look at a mostly unspoiled country, and an in
Roy 04/03/2023
Every product of the American school system knows the basic story of the Lewis and Clark expedition. In 1803, Thomas Jefferson nearly doubled the size of the United States by purchasing the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon. But he did not know what he had bought. Most of the land was not even reall
Rikard 12/04/2019
A somewhat cumbersome, laborious read. Echoing the musquetos, eye knots and prickly pears pestering Lewis and Clark and their Corps of Discovery.
Bill 05/08/2014
Maybe I'm a sap. I don't know. This book was enthralling from start to finish. One of the most pivotal moments in American history as Merriwether Lewis and William Clark set off on a brave expedition of what would soon become United States territory. Sent on a mission of exploration and commerce by
Jeff 10/21/2007
The ultimate travel book. A well-edited and annotated conglomeration of both Lewis & Clark's journals of their journey to find the west coast of America and back. Truly one of the most amazing journeys ever made by Americans - and one that still is probably more amazing than the one made to the moon

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