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Joseph Andrews, Volume 1

Henry Fielding

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Joseph Andrews, Volume 1 | Henry Fielding

Joseph Andrews, Volume 1

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Joseph Andrews was the first published full-length novel of the English author and magistrate Henry Fielding, and indeed among the first novels in the English language. Defined by Fielding as a ‘comic romance,’ it is the story of a good natured footman's adventures on the road home from London with his friend and mentor, the absent-minded parson Abraham Adams.
is lady, to go on her errands, stand behind her chair, wait at her tea-table, and carry her prayer-book to church; at which place his voice gave him an opportunity of distinguishing himself by singing psalms: he behaved likewise in every other respect so well at Divine service, that it recommended him to the notice of Mr Abraham Adams, the curate, who took an opportunity one day, as he was drinking a cup of ale in Sir Thomas's kitchen, to ask the young man several questions concerning religion; with his answers to which he was wonderfully pleased.


Of Mr Abraham Adams the curate, Mrs Slipslop the chambermaid, and others.

Mr Abraham Adams was an excellent scholar. He was a perfect master of the Greek and Latin languages; to which he added a great share of knowledge in the Oriental tongues; and could read and translate French, Italian, and Spanish. He had applied many years to the most severe study, and had treasured up a fund of learning rarely to be met with in a university. He was, besides, a man of good sense, good parts, and good nature; but was at the same time as entirely ignorant of the ways of this world as an infant just entered into it could possibly be. As he had never any intention to deceive, so he never suspected such a design in others. He was generous, friendly, and brave to an excess; but simplicity was his characteristick: he did, no more than Mr Colley Cibber, apprehend any such passions as malice and envy to exist in mankind; which was indeed less remarkable in a country parson than in a gentleman who hath passed his life behind the scenes,—a place which hath been seldom thought the school of innocence, and where a very little observation would have convinced the great apologist that those passions have a real existence in the human mind.

His virtue, and his other qualifications, as they ren

Bill 12/19/2019

Yesterday I had a small insight concerning my impressions of Joseph Andrews: when I picture Joseph and his friend Parson Adams traveling the English countryside, the weather is always clear, the sunlight a welcoming gold. Yet when I see Don Quixote and Sancho Panza on their similar journey through S
Jason 07/03/2016
Joseph Andrews is an 18th century picaresque novel, which means your likelihood of enjoying it will depend largely on your yen for country lanes, coaches, inns, innkeepers, alehouses, firesides, drunkards, con artists, storytellers, highwaymen, and other assorted creatures and landmarks one is likel
Lieve 12/19/2013
Winning the battle with this novel was one of my bigger achievements this year.
Bob 04/26/2011
Henry Fielding devoted a fair amount of literary energy to satirizing his contemporaries, in particular Samuel Richardson, whose Pamela is considered one of the earliest instances of the English novel. After the more overtly satirical Shamela, Fielding invented the character Joseph Andrews, brother
Carlie 05/22/2008
Lady Booby.....I can't think of the name without grinning.

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