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Japanese Fairy Tales

Yei Theodora Ozaki

Book Overview: 

This is a book of “beautiful legends and fairy tales of Japan” that were collected, translated and retold by the author, Yei Theodora Ozaki, who states: “…in telling them I have also found that they were still unknown to the vast majority, and this has encouraged me to write them for the children of the West.” In part, the project was the result of a suggestion made by her friend Andrew Lang, another collector of fairy stories, who printed his stories in the many Colored Fairy Books.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Emperor Kotei was looking upwards, the sky became suddenly red, and something came glittering like gold towards the earth. As it came nearer Kotei saw that it was a great Dragon. The Dragon approached and bowed down its head before the Emperor. The Empress and the courtiers were so frightened that they ran away screaming.

But the Emperor only smiled and called to them to stop, and said:

"Do not be afraid. This is a messenger from Heaven. My time here is finished!" He then mounted the Dragon, which began to ascend towards the sky.

When the Empress and the courtiers saw this they all cried out together:

"Wait a moment! We wish to come too." And they all ran and caught hold of the Dragon's beard and tried to mount him.

But it was impossible for so many people to ride on the Dragon. Several of them hung on to the creature's beard so that when it tried to mount the hair was pulled out and they fell to the ground. . . Read More

Community Reviews

To było naprawdę ciekawe spotkanie z baśniami japońskimi. Przede wszystkim dlatego, że jako europejka wychowałam się na mitologii greckiej, gdzie zawistni i samolubni bogowie wysługiwali się ludźmi i traktowali ich jak pionki w grze. Sytuacja zupełnie inaczej ma się w japońskim folklorze. Baśnie Jap

للأسف أنتهت هذه الرحلة الخيالية بسرعة كبيرة.
قضيت وقتاً ممتعاً ورائعاً مع هذه الحكايا اليابانية الشعبية.
مازالت الثقافة اليابانية تجذبني أكثر يوماً بعد يوم.
وهذه القصص الأسطورية كانت مميزة بطريقتها الخاصة.
لقد كانت القصص مليئة بالحكم والدروس القيمة التي يتجاهلها الكثير في زمننا الحاضر, ولكن مازالت اليا

Japonlarin Dede Korkut hikaleleri. Guzel.

Yei Theodora Ozaki tarafından derlenen ve biri Macidegül Batmaz çevirisi (22 hikaye) ile Maya Kitap tarafından, diğeri Servin Sarıyer çevirisi (11 öykü) ile Karakarga Yayınları tarafından basılan iki ayrı Japon Masalları kitabını okudum. Karakarga Yayınlarınca basılan 11 öykü, Maya Kitap baskısında

Things I learnt from Japanese Fairy Tales
-Never trust a monkey.
-Never trust a stepmother.
-Never trust a stepmother with your monkey.
-Almost every boy in Japan is named Taro, or a variant of that name: Kintaro, Urashima Taro, Momotaro...
-If an old man wants to wrestle your teenage son in the woods (b

This was a delightful read. This is an English translation of twentytwo fairy tales replete with ogars, gobblins, sea monsters, princes and princesses. They are very fun to read and they keep young ones inthrawled. I read it with my little second cousin.
I recommend this book to all ages.
Enjoy and Be

There is something delightful, something childish, something absolutely necessary about fairy tales. The further I travel into adulthood, the more I feel I need the simple delights of warriors and princesses fighting monsters in the mountains.

Fairy tales often also bring much needed moral clarity.

Started off slow, but the way the stories echoed each other made them more interesting and gave them a certain rhythm I enjoyed. Some of the later tales (The Goblin of Adachigahara, The Ogre of Rashomon and How an Old Man Lost his Wen) were also interesting to me as they dealt with more magic/mythol

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