All You Can Books

Jacqui - Space Waif - Book 2

Charm Brights

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Jacqui - Space Waif - Book 2 | Charm Brights

Jacqui - Space Waif - Book 2

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Jacqui's life was hard as an orphan born in 2093. She went to a number of jobs which she mostly lost for petty theft, or refusing to co-operate with her boss. Along the way she learned to enjoy spanking. Eventually she ended up in jail with a three month sentence for petty theft
After performing her display routine, Jacqui watched the bidding and there were only really two bidders. When the woman, Martha, from the brothel started bidding, most of the others dropped out. The only remaining bidder was Karl, the little man in the front row who had piggy eyes, which were too close together and gave an impression of meanness. He was reasonably well-dressed but if you had seen him on Earth there was not much about him that you would look at twice, or even remember. The last bidder to stay with these two dropped out at fifteen hundred credits and then the battle of wills started in earnest. Kate was a superb auctioneer who egged both of them on by emphasising the rivalry between them. "Remember this is almost the last prisoner in this auction, Karl," she taunted, "and you haven't bought a replacement for Paula yet. That is unless you want Maria instead of sending her to the dormitory." The audience guffawed and it had the desired effect, Karl bid nineteen hundred credits. "There you go, Martha, outbid again. The New House of Joy doesn't look as though it will get its new girl this week," Kate intoned, and Martha duly said, "Two thousand, but it's my last word." Kate returned to the attack, "Come on Karl, Martha's going to buy her and then charge you to use her."

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