All You Can Books

Jacqui - Space Waif - Book 1

Charm Brights

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Jacqui - Space Waif - Book 1 | Charm Brights

Jacqui - Space Waif - Book 1

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Jacqui's life was hard as an orphan born in 2093. She went to a number of jobs which she mostly lost for petty theft, or refusing to co-operate with her boss. Along the way she learned to enjoy spanking. Eventually she ended up in jail with a three month sentence for petty theft
"Why?" he asked, "We gave you a job and the computer helps you all it can. Why do you have to mess it up? Why do you lie to customers when the computer tells you the truth? Were you not punished for lying as a child? Well now you are to be sacked. I hope you realise that you have let us all down and that I, personally, feel very sad. I had high hopes for you, but it seems you didn't learn as a child how to be fair in your dealings with you superiors. You seem only to have learned rudeness and lying." "Please, sir," Jacqui mumbled, "Please don't sack me. I don't have any family and I don't know what I could do if you sacked me. Please, I'll try harder sir." "I don't see what we could do. I really don't," said Craig, "Were you not punished as a child? It's a bit late to start now." Jacqui took a deep breath and said, "Yes, one lady used to spank me if I was naughty. Then she moved to another hospital and nobody else seemed to care." Craig looked fascinated and sat silent for a moment "Well ... I suppose I could try taking up where she left off," he mused, more to himself than to Jacqui. Then he asked, "What did she do?" "She made me lie on her lap and she spanked my bottom and legs, sir," Jacqui blushed at the thought.

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