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How to Analyze People on Sight

Elsie Lincoln Benedict & Ralph Pain Benedict

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How to Analyze People on Sight | Elsie Lincoln Benedict & Ralph Pain Benedict

How to Analyze People on Sight

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In this popular American book, accomplished public speaker and self-help Elsie Lincoln Benedict outlines her system of "Human Analysis". She proposes that, within the human race, five sub-types have developed through evolutionary processes, each with its own distinct character traits and corresponding outward appearance. She offers to teach the reader how to recognize these five types of people and understand their innate differences.
Each one of the world's great successes was a failure first. It is interesting to note the things at which some of them failed. Darwin was a failure at the ministry, for which he was educated. Herbert Spencer was a failure as an engineer, though he struggled years in that profession. Abraham Lincoln was such a failure at thirty-three as a lawyer that he refused an invitation to visit an old friend "because," he wrote, "I am such a failure I do not dare to take the time." Babe Ruth was a failure as a tailor. Hawthorne was a failure as a Custom House clerk when he wrote the "Scarlet Letter." Theodore Roosevelt was a failure as a cowboy in North Dakota and gave up his frontiering because of it. These men were failures because they tried to do things for which they were not intended. But each at last found his work, and when he did, it was so easy for him it made him famous.

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