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Hints to Young Yacht Skippers

Thomas Fleming Day

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .To take in, haul the foot in first and muzzle the sail before letting go the halyard.

Spinnaker pole:

As soon as you are through with the spinnaker pole, unsnap the guys and coil them up. In this way you keep them in readiness for instant use on either side, and free the pole of all incumbrance. A spinnaker pole carried on end with all its gear is a nuisance on a small boat, besides adding to the weight and windage aloft. 27


Crew, stations for:

In handling sails the crew should be given certain stations, and taught to keep them. Each man should be allotted a certain task, and be instructed to attend to that, and not to interfere with the others. If you have a crew of four, including yourself, your place is at the helm; the man in your watch stays with you in the cockpit, or aft, unless called forward; the mate and his watch work forward. The lightest man is the tackman. His business is to take the ta. . . Read More