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Hieroglyphic Tales
Horace Walpole
Book Overview:
Surreal and satirical, these stories by the eighteenth century man of letters, Whig politician, art historian and antiquarian are '"...mere whimsical trifles, written chiefly for private entertainment, and for private amusement... an attempt to vary the stale and beaten class of stories and novels, which, though works of invention, are almost always devoid of imagination.
Surreal and satirical, these stories by the eighteenth century man of letters, Whig politician, art historian and antiquarian are '"...mere whimsical trifles, written chiefly for private entertainment, and for private amusement... an attempt to vary the stale and beaten class of stories and novels, which, though works of invention, are almost always devoid of imagination.
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Community Reviews
Aunque el non-sense literario suele ser identificado con la Inglaterra decimonónica (Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear) o el surrealismo francés, estos Cuentos jeróglíficos son un delicioso antecedente de esas obras literarias que cuestionan el realismo literario y las unidades aristotélicas. Aún más que l
Son sözde de belirtildiği gibi hak ettiklerinden fazla değer verilmemiş kısa masallar.
It was the word Hieroglyphic that caught my eye and made to want to read this book. I've always been fascinated by anything Egypt.
It was a short collection of Fairy Tales and I will echo other reviews and call it "surreal" because that is the best description I have seen for what this book is.
İlginç politik satirlerle dolu kısa öyküler derlemesi... İlk hikaye oldukça ilginç ama anlayabilmek için Walpole zamanının bilgilerine hakim olmak lazım
“Estava a nação neste estado de distracção quando chegou ao reino o príncipe de Quifferiquiminim, que teria sido o maior herói daquela época se não estivesse já morto, se fosse conhecedor de qualquer outra língua que não o egípcio e se não se desse o acaso de ter três pernas.
- O Rei e Suas Três Fil