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The Healthy Life Cook Book, 2d ed.

Florence Daniel

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Use either the red Egyptian, or the green German lentils. Wash well in several waters, drain, and put to soak overnight in the water. Use this same water for cooking. Cook very slowly until the lentils are soft and dry. They should just absorb the quantity of water given. (If cooked too quickly it may be necessary to add a little more.) A little thyme or herb powder may be cooked with the lentils, if liked. When done, drain off any superfluous water, add the butter and the lemon juice, shake over the fire until hot. Serve with baked potatoes and tomato sauce.


1/2 pint red lentils, 1/2 pint bread-crumbs, 2 ozs. butter or 1-1/2 oz. nutter, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, 1/2 a nutmeg.

Well wash the lentils and place on the fire with just enough water to cover them. Simmer gently until quite soft. Add the butter, lemon juice, nutmeg, and bread-crumbs. Stir well, heat to boiling point, and cook for 10 minutes. Put in jars, and when cold . . . Read More

Community Reviews

The Cookbook that Discourages Cooking

Three stars may be excessive. Mrs. Daniel actively discourages the housewife from cooking. Not only should there be only one hot meal each day, even that isn't needed on wash day. Nor should a mother be bothered to do more than reheat her husband's meal when he r