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Handy Mandy in Oz

Ruth Plumly Thompson

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Handy Mandy in Oz | Ruth Plumly Thompson

Handy Mandy in Oz

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On many a day had Handy, the Goat Girl of Mern, pursued her goats up and down the rocky eminences of her native mountain. And never—NEVER—in her fourteen or so years' experience had she been blown up by a mountain spring. But there comes, in every one's experience a day which is unlike every other day, and so it was with the Goat Girl. As she was pursuing What-a-butter, her favorite goat, there was a sudden crash, a whish, and up flew the slab of rock on which she was standing, up and away. The adventures into which she was carried by this simple though awefull beginning take a whole book to relate. How she met Nox the Royal Ox of Keretaria, how together they went in search of little King Kerry, how at last they rescued him and found themselves feted guests of Ozma of Oz, all these things you must read for yourselves.
we shall get on famously, m'lass, famously. The truth is, you amuse me no end and so long as you amuse me everything will be smooth as silk. But of course, if you bore me, I will bore you. Oh, positively!" Lowering his head Nox shook his horns playfully.

"Now I shouldn't try that, if I were you," advised Mandy, raising her iron hand and cracking the fingers warningly. "For if you do, I might throw things!"

"Ha ha! I believe you would." The enormous beast, charmed by so much spirit and independence fairly beamed upon his new slave. "I take it you are pretty good at throwing things."

"Yes, and at catching them, too." Reaching up, Mandy took seven of the dozen brushes off the shelf above her head. Tossing them all into the air with three of her hands, she caught them easily with the other four. Then dragging her stool closer, she began brushing the coat of her royal charge so hard and vigorously he blinked with pleasure and astonishment. "Will you have your tail plain, curled or plaited?" asked Mandy in a businesslike voice.

"Er—er—plain, thank you." With admiration and some alarm, Nox regarded the whirling arms of the Goat Girl, but the four little stable boys, appearing at that moment, stared at her in glassy eyed fright and consternation. For Nox they had brought a tray heaped high with corn and oats and another with fresh sliced apples. For Mandy there were two trays of gold dishes containing a sample of everything from the royal table. Dropping her brushes Mandy seized all the trays at once in her various hands, which so frightened the stable boys they took to their heels yelling at the tops of their voices.

Winking at the Royal Ox, Mandy set his supper on the gold stand meant for that purpose, then dropping to the floor before her own two trays began her first dinner in a strange l

Derek 01/10/2022
Absolutely adored Handy Mandy and Nox the Ox! I think Thompson did an excellent job with this story and found it absolutely engaging, entertaining, and enjoyable. I hope she comes back in another Oz story, and soon!
Orinoco Womble (tidy bag and all) 03/22/2019
Certainly an improvement on my previous Oz read. A GR friend and I were discussing the fact that the female characters in the Oz stories (at least the ones we've read so far) seem to be much more sensible and stronger than most of the male characters, and this is borne out by Book 31. Maybe the fact
Brandy 01/14/2016
Always love this OZ Books!
Marti 03/09/2014
One of my favorites

I have loved this book since my mother read it to me. I can't remember how many times I have read it. I now own all of my mother's OZ books but it is nice they are online now to reduce the wear on the original ones. I recommend these to children of all ages.
Neil 10/02/2011
A reasonably good Thomson Oz book with quite a few interesting features. Mandy herself is pretty unique in the Oz canon, she's the main protagonist in a RPT Oz book but is female and not created originally by Baum, she's appears to be if not adult then considerable older than usual leads, plus is no
hpboy13 09/24/2011
Nowhere close to the charm, magic, and inventiveness of the originals. These books should not be considered Oz canon.

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