"Book III continues the story of Pat Kennedy as he tests Galenus, a new life extending molecule developed by his firm LifeGen. At the same time, more than 9,000 kilometres away, the Russian, Arkady Demitriev, tries to unravel the secret discovered by Barry Simmonds, a small-time lawyer in Belize City, and explain Simmonds' mysterious meeting with Kennedy in San Sebastian, Spain.
Kennedy, as he recovers from Covid-19, isolates himself in his villa in Beaulieu on the French Riviera, where he plans his future and that of his international banking empire"
"PAT KENNEDY OPENED HIS EYES, then slowly examined his surroundings, he recognised his room at the Villa Contessa and felt a surge of immense pleasure. A month had passed since he had decided to isolate himself, like many of the very rich, far from the crowds, the stress of meetings and the constant hustle of the City of London.
He bounded out of bed, stretched, picked up the remote and zapped open the roller shutters of his large high ceilinged bedroom. The sun streamed in from the southwest, it was another early summer morning.
Pat shaded his eyes and admired the magnificent view over the terrace, the Mediterranean sparkled like a silver platter beyond the villa’s luxuriant gardens.
He felt good.
Life was very good, far from Boris Johnson’s fatuous ‘Let’s get going’ Britain.
What had been planned as a rest in Beaulieu-sur-mer was now becoming a habit. He had little desire to return to London, even less Hong Kong. He just wated to lay back, admire the colours and breath in the perfumes of the French Riviera.
But to start the day he had an appointment at Lifegen, for his first check-up and at breakfast he informed George, his butler cum household manager, he would drive to Sophia Antipolis himself and return after lunch with Rob McGoldrick.
He’d never felt so well, relaxed, being far from the pressures of London, Paris and Hong Kong was having its effect.
Rob McGoldrick had always reminded Pat that good health was primordial, keeping a toned muscle structure for as long as possible not only helped to preserve mobility in later life, it also improved the aesthetics of ageing, helped maintain the firmness of the face and body, keeping him looking fit and youthful.
However, that was not all, it was also essential to feel good, build a positive view of life, which started with a diet to improve cardiovascular health, reduce cholesterol levels, lessen the risks of osteoarthritis. Starting with a plant based diet and eating less meat and animal based products.
Pat had learnt that the skin was a great indicator of health, that a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables improved the complexion, healing and moisturising the skin, making for a younger appearance, boosting that feel-good sense of contentment."