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The Frozen Deep

Wilkie Collins

Book Overview: 

The Frozen Deep is a story of a love triangle between Clara, Frank and Richard, spiced up with dangerous expeditions, mysterious visions and life-threatening circumstances. The end is as surprising and unexpected as we are (or are not) accustomed to in Collins' books.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .a wrong impression, and you have given me no opportunity of setting you right."

"In what way have I been wrong?"

"You have been too hasty and too confident about yourself and about me. You have entirely misunderstood me. I am grieved to distress you, but for your sake I must speak plainly. I am your friend always, Mr. Wardour. I can never be your wife."

He mechanically repeated the last words. He seemed to doubt whether he had heard her aright.

"You can never be my wife?"



There was no answer. She was incapable of telling him a falsehood. She was ashamed to tell him the truth.

He stooped over her, and suddenly possessed himself of her hand. Holding her hand firmly, he stooped a little lower; searching for the signs which might answer him in her face. His own face darkened slowly while he looked. He was beginning to suspect her; and he acknowledged it in his next word. . . Read More

Community Reviews

If you have never read The Frozen Deep, the catalogue entries may seem confusing. It is variously entered in libraries as a play, or a novella, by Wilkie Collins, or Charles Dickens, or both. Is this a mistake?

In fact all of these are largely correct. The Frozen Deep was initially written as a play:

Maybe. 3.5. Thoroughly enjoyable – a nice short read, well written.

Τα αμέσως δυο προηγούμενα βιβλία του Γουίλκι Κόλινς που έπεσαν στα χέρια μου (το "Το στοιχειωμένο ξενοδοχείο" που διάβασα το 2018 και το "Η γυναίκα του ονείρου" που διάβασα φέτος τον Ιανουάριο) ουσιαστικά την τελευταία στιγμή τσίμπησαν τέταρτο αστεράκι, κυρίως λόγω ατμόσφαιρας και της γενικότερης αί

If it is melodrama that you want, this is the book for you, it oozes it from every page; even the title 'The Frozen Deep' has a touch of melodrama about it. It is not 'The Frozen Deep' play that Wilkie Collins wrote in 1856 and Charles Dickens edited before it was published in 1857; the pair of them

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