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Friends and Foes

Michel Poulin

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Book Overview: 

The murder of two CIA agents in Spain prompts the sending of a team of agents to the Cadiz area to investigate a rumored illegal weapons deal with potentially devastating military and geopolitical consequences if it goes through. While that weapons deal will prove to be even more lethal than expected, the CIA team sent to Spain will also find out that part of the challenge they will face will be to recognize who is a friend and who is a foe.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Tell me more about you, Dean. I don’t even know yet what kind of work you do.’’ ‘’Oh, there isn’t much to it, really.’’ Lied Dean. ‘’I am a security consultant for the State Department. I travel around the World and inspect and review the security plans of our various consulates and embassies.’’ ‘’So, that is why I see you so infrequently around this building. It sounds like an interesting job. Is it dangerous?’’. . . Read More