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The Flint Heart

Eden Phillpotts

Book Overview: 

The flint heart is a stone of heart shape, forged in prehistoric times, that changes whoever owns it into a wicked person. The story of the flint heart's ultimate defeat involves multiple trips into fairyland by Charles and Unity, children of one of the heart's victims. Along the way the reader meets lots of fun characters such as the king of fairyland, a talking (and wounded) hot water bottle, and the mysterious Zagabog. Occasional references to British words and concepts may require some explanation for American readers, but the story is perfectly understandable without such explications. The droll narration makes the story as much fun for adults as for children.

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Community Reviews

The most fairyest of fairy tales, this classic abounds in quirky humor, confirmed magic, and essential facts with just enough silliness to keep it from getting too magical. I've read both the modern retelling and the old classic, and while I can understand why this one might make a few parents blush

I read this one because it is about fairies, and my middle granddaughter has been "into" fairies for awhile. I thought she might like it, but I decided against sharing it with her on her Nook. It was a bit too old-fashioned and not enough about fairies to work for her.

A good old-fashioned fairy tale.