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Five Little Peppers at School

Margaret Sidney

Book Overview: 

The Five Little Peppers are off to school - Joel and Davie at a boys' boarding school, Polly, Phronsie and Ben at home. At first the storyline shifts between the boys and the girls, until the boys come home for the holidays and all the children are caught up in plans to help the poor family of a brakeman who was killed in an accident. Meanwhile Polly struggles to keep Jasper's friend from being expelled, Phronsie has a frightening accident and Ben works hard to repay Mr. King. It's another heart-warming tale from the author of Five Little Peppers and How They Grew!

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Dr. Pennell.

“Dear me!” Little Dr. Fisher glanced at Alexia quickly.

“Nothing but sprained,” the other doctor said quickly. “Still, it needs careful attention.”

And then it came out that Alexia's aunt had heard a chance word dropped about the accident, and had run down to Mr. King's in her distress, so she was there awaiting them; and the fathers and brothers of the rest of the “Salisbury girls” took off their charges, much to the relief of the governess. So presently Jasper had his party all92 settled in the carriage, Dr. Pennell saying, “Well, I resign my responsibility about that arm to you, Dr. Fisher.” He lifted his hat, and was off.

“Oh, wait!” cried Polly in great distress as Thomas was just starting off with a dash, “I must speak to him.”

“Polly—what is it?” cried Jasper. “Wait, Thomas!” So Thomas pulle. . . Read More

Community Reviews

It’s really interesting how the Peppers’ morals and behaviors hold up when they’re not always with Mamsie or Mr King, especially considering how young they are

I don't have a real problem with this book (besides the normal Victorian perspectives on patronization and race, which I addressed to my children when we encountered them) but I don't really have praises to sing either. The story was a bit disjointed without any apparent destination in mind. We take

Classic children's book from 1904

This book is written in an episodic style, jumping back and forth primarily between Joel Pepper, who is around 13 years old at this point and is an athletic star at boarding school, and Polly Pepper, who is around 15 years old at this time and is extremely popular wi

I'm enjoying reading this series again...this one I know I don't actually have in my own book collection...but I do remember reading years ago. I just really love the wholesomeness of the plots, the characters...etc.

We've hit eighth in the series, and the Peppers are wealthy, their social position is established, and they're wildly popular. Doesn't leave much scope for drama, especially since the Peppers are both well behaved and touchingly devoted to Mamsie. Gave up somewhere around the middle, with a few skip

Oh my, how I loved this books as a child. They were very dear to me and are firmly entrenched into my memory strong enough to have become parts of my character. There are is a veritable plethora of life examples and lessons to be learned through these works of literature that take us back to a simpl

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