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Farthest North - Volume 1

Fridtjof Nansen

Book Overview: 

One of the 100 Greatest Adventure Books of All Time.
-- National Geographic

"Nansen was the Chuck Yeager of polar exploration."
--The New York Times Book Review

Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship "Fram", 1893-96 and of a Fifteen Months' Sleigh Journey by Dr. Nansen and Lieut. Johansen

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .It will be evident from the plan above expounded that the most important point in the equipment of our expedition was the building of the ship that was to carry us through the dreaded ice regions. The construction of this vessel was accordingly carried out with greater care, probably, than has been devoted to any ship that has hitherto ploughed the Arctic waters. I found in the well-known shipbuilder, Colin Archer, a man who thoroughly understood the task I set him, and who concentrated all his skill, foresight, and rare thoroughness upon the work. We must gratefully recognize that the success of the expedition was in no small degree due to this man.

Colin Archer

If we turn our attention to the long list of former expeditions and to their equipments, it cannot but strike us that scarcely a single vessel had been built specially for the purpose—in fact, the majority of explorers have not even provided themselves with vessels whic. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Were I shopping to join a polar exploration around 1900, I could have done no better than go with the intrepid Fridtjof Nansen, the Norwegian leader of what strikes me as the most competently led polar journey ever. His Farthest North is the description of his trip, which consisted of five parts.


"The spirit of mankind will never rest till every spot of these regions has been trodden by the foot of man, till every enigma has been solved."

In a time when a veil of mystery still shrouded the Arctic, when maps were left blank in the northern regions and theories about Arctic continents and warm

I just finished reading Farthest North: The Epic Adventure of a Visionary Explorer, by Fridtjof Nansen. The book chronicles the 1893-1896 polar expedition of Nansen and his crew aboard the schooner Fram.

I continue to be fascinated by the exploits of men like Nansen and his crew. In pursuit of knowle

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