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Fairview Boys at Camp Mystery

Frederick Gordon

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .I felt the building shake. I knew right away what had happened, and I ran down cellar. I didn't even stop to explain to anyone."

"Well, what did happen?" asked the principal.

"Why, the safety valve got stuck, and when the pressure got too heavy it wouldn't let the steam escape. So the pipes, all through the school, were filled and the pressure was so[Pg 19] strong that they commenced to shake and tremble. That made the building vibrate, and the boiler began to rumble and roar, too.

"I was afraid it might blow up, so down I rushed and opened the safety valve that was stuck shut. That let out the steam, and the pressure in the pipes went down. And that's all."

"It was enough," said Miss Williams. "So that white cloud was steam, and not smoke from a fire?"

"Yes, ma'am," answered the janitor, "it was only steam."

"Is the safety valve all right now?" asked Mr. Tetlow.

"Oh, yes, indeed!" exclaimed the janitor. "I . . . Read More