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The Expedition of the Donner Party and its Tragic Fate

Eliza Poor Donner Houghton

Book Overview: 

The Donner Party was a group of California-bound American settlers caught up in the “westering fever” of the 1840s. After becoming snowbound in the Sierra Nevada in the winter of 1846–1847, some of the emigrants resorted to cannibalism. Although this aspect of the tragedy has become synonymous with the Donner Party in the popular imagination, it actually was a minor part of the episode.

The author was about 4 at the time. The first part of the book accounts the tragic journey and rescue attempts; the last half are reminiscences of the child orphan, passed from family to family while growing up.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Murphy, Graves, and Breen cabins. The last mentioned was the relic of earlier travellers[4] and had been grizzled by the storms of several winters. Yet, despite their better accommodations, our companions at the lake were harassed by fears like ours. They too were short of supplies. The game had left the mountains, and the fish in the lake would not bite.

Different parties, both with and without children, had repeatedly endeavored to force their way out of that wilderness of snow, but each in turn had become confused, and unconsciously moved in a circle back to camp. Several persons had become snow-blind. Every landmark was lost, even to Stanton, who had twice crossed the range.

All now looked to the coming of McCutchen and Reed for deliverance. We had every reason to expect them soon, for each had left his family with the company, and had promised to return with succor. Moreover, Stanton had brought tidings that the timely assistance of himself and co. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Trying to understand was my demon in reading this story. I cannot tell you how many articles I read from different perspectives in trying to understand the why of it all.
Not overwhelmed by the writing style. Was hoping for more details of characters and enviroment. It is written almost as if it is a

This is quite an interesting memoir, written by one of the Donner Party survivors. I care not to recount the story for anyone that isn't familiar with it, beyond saying that the Donner Party was a group of American pioneers who, in 1846-7, were snowbound in the Sierra Nevada mountain range and, in s

The memoir written by Eliza Donner, the youngest of the Donner children who lost their parents in the mountains. Eliza was four when her wealthy family set out from their comfortable home in Illinois to seek the new wealth in California. She remembers things in great detail, especially the time afte

This is the story of the Donner party who left their home in Illinois to relocate to California in the 1840s. Due to a decision to take an alternate trail and a number of mishaps that delayed them along the way, they arrived in the Sierra Mountains later than planned.

It seemed that the party could n

I've always been interested into the Oregon Trail and the Donner Party was certainly a name I knew. I thoroughly gained a whole new perspective on the truth of this tragic story. I want to add, some people may be disappointed because the truth is not as gruesome as the newspapers made it out to be.

Worth the long read

Somewhat long, but FULL of interesting facts. This book is well worth the time it takes to read in its entirety.

I'll admit that I am not a Pioneer scholar and living in California for my whole life, I have heard the Donner Party mentioned in numerous ways over the years without fully understanding their actual story. Although others will contest that Eliza Donner and her sisters were too young to fully compre

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