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Book Overview:
Awaiting his trial on charges of impiety and heresy, Socrates encounters Euthyphro, a self-proclaimed authority on matters of piety and the will of the gods. Socrates, desiring instruction in these matters, converses with Euthyphro, but as usual, the man who professes to know nothing fares better than the man who claims to be an expert. One of Plato’s well-known Socratic Dialogues, Euthyphro probes the nature of piety, and notably poses the so-called Euthyphro Dilemma: Do the gods love a thing because it is holy, or is a thing holy because it is loved by the gods?
Awaiting his trial on charges of impiety and heresy, Socrates encounters Euthyphro, a self-proclaimed authority on matters of piety and the will of the gods. Socrates, desiring instruction in these matters, converses with Euthyphro, but as usual, the man who professes to know nothing fares better than the man who claims to be an expert. One of Plato’s well-known Socratic Dialogues, Euthyphro probes the nature of piety, and notably poses the so-called Euthyphro Dilemma: Do the gods love a thing because it is holy, or is a thing holy because it is loved by the gods?
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Thus begins the contrast between the religion of the letter, or of the narrow and unenlightened conscience, and the higher notion of religion which Socrates vainly endeavours to elicit from him. 'Piety is doing as I do' is the idea of religion which first occurs to him, and to many others who do not say what they think with equal frankness. For men are not easily persuaded that any other religion is better than their own; or that other nations, e.g. the Greeks in the time of Socrates, were equally serious in their religious beliefs and difficulties. The chief difference between us and them is, that they were slowly learning what we are in proces. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
Here's one for you, Plato:
Do people still read Euthyphro because it's a good book, or is it a good book because people still read it?
The Ominous Dialogue: Socrates aka, Josef K.
As I read The Euthyphro, I started to realize why it is considered one of the most dramatic of the Dialogues. Set as a prelude to the Grand Trial, Euthyphro is a disturbingly ominous dialogue.
So, instead of seeing this as one of the usual glib dialogue
Quick and dirty,
Euthyphro: I'm so pious, I'm prosecuting my father for murder because he neglected a servant/possible murderer before he could face judgement. The God's love that shit!
Socrates: "Awesome! Quick... what is the nature of piety? Im being accused of being impious, and think they'll mak
"Eutifrón" es uno de los diálogos socráticos escritos por Platón.
Es un diálogo que nace a raíz del encuentro casual entre Eutifrón y Sócrates a las puertas de un juicio.
Eutifrón estaba citado como acusador de su propio padre y Sócrates, por Melito, acusado de enseñanzas malintencionadas.
El diálogo
اوثوفرون:ولی سقراط این گناه من نیست بلکه دایدالوس تویی که نمی گذاری سخن ها در یک نقطه پابرجا بمانند
خاصیتی منحصر به فرد در تک تک رساله های افلاطون وجود دارد. افلاطون به عنوان یک فیلسوف که از قضا قالب محاوره را برای نوشتن انتخاب کرده. انتخابی که می توان درباره آن اندیشید و پیوندش را با خود فلسفه بررسی
Socrates and Euthyphro discuss the true meaning of piety in relation to the gods.
Euthyphro begins the story of the trial and death of Socrates. It is one of Plato’s best known and, I think, best executed pieces. Here we see the Socratic dialogue form stripped to its bare essentials, with only two speakers, one problem, and minimal framing. Socrates is on his way to his trial; he
Celebrity Death Match Special: Plato versus Isaac Asimov, part 3 (continued from here)
[A spaceport on Trantor. SOCRATES and R. DANEEL OLIVAW]
OLIVAW: I'm sorry, Socrates. I'm just going to have to send you back to Earth. You're too irritating.
SOCRATES: I understand, Olivaw.
OLIVAW: You know, you don'