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The Essays of Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon

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The Essays of Francis Bacon | Francis Bacon

The Essays of Francis Bacon

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Voltaire was an atheist. Diderot was Enlightened. But trite titles seldom encompass completely the beliefs of any individual. And this one fact is certainly true when dealing with Sir Francis Bacon.

The youngest son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Francis was born in Strand, London. He went to Trinity College at Cambridge. He was elected to Parliament; he was Queen’s Counsel; he even became Attorney General before finally gaining the position of Lord Chancellor.

But as do the careers of so many politicians, in 1621 his political career ended in disgrace.
should be placed so high, above those other noble parts, of invention, elocution, and the rest; nay, almost alone, as if it were all in all. But the reason is plain. There is in human nature generally, more of the fool than of the wise; and therefore those faculties, by which the foolish part of men's minds is taken, are most potent. Wonderful like is the case of boldness in civil business: what first? boldness; what second and third? boldness. And yet boldness is a child of ignorance and baseness, far inferior to other parts. But nevertheless it doth fascinate, and bind hand and foot, those that are either shallow in judgment, or weak in courage, which are the greatest part; yea and prevaileth with wise men at weak times. Therefore we see it hath done wonders, in popular states; but with senates, and princes less; and more ever upon the first entrance of bold persons into action, than soon after; for boldness is an ill keeper of promise. Surely, as there are mountebanks for the natural body, so are there mountebanks for the politic body; men that undertake great cures, and perhaps have been lucky, in two or three experiments, but want the grounds of science, and therefore cannot hold out. Nay, you shall see a bold fellow many times do Mahomet's miracle. Mahomet made the people believe that he would call an hill to him, and from the top of it offer up his prayers, for the observers of his law. The people assembled; Mahomet called the hill to come to him, again and again; and when the hill stood still, he was never a whit abashed, but said, If the hill will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet will go to the hill. So these men, when they have promised great matters, and failed most shamefully, yet (if they have the perfection of boldness) they will but slight it over, and make a turn, and no more ado. Certainly to men of great judgment, bold persons are a sport to behold; nay, and to the vulgar also, boldness has somewhat of the ridiculous. For i
Amit 01/28/2021
Both in his life and in his writings Bacon always showed the practical bias. He completely accepted the Renaissance idea that it is life on earth which is important and that all studies should be directed to improving that life. In his political attitude, which was almost Machiavellian, he separated
Bekhradaa 02/11/2019
God never wrought miracle to convince atheism, because his ordinary work convince it. it is true, that a little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men;s minds about to religion
Alok 10/05/2018
Bacon was not an ordinary writer that we used to find and still do. He was exceptional with his abilities to convey ideas. Sometimes his logic might seem absurd to the readers. Sometimes the author's ideas might not make any sense at all. However, there are many things about his essays (and that's p
Asim 03/04/2013
It is extremely difficult to establish an opinion on Bacon's philosophy by indulging with his ramblings, which are at times profoundly astute and at times on the verge of vacuity. Among my favourites are the ones on atheism, studies, nature of men and cunning. Overall, I came to like Bacon's informa
Mike 12/26/2012
This is a very good book, if not a great one. These essays lack the easy-going charm of Montaigne's and the locquacious eloquence of Emerson's. They ramble, and much of what they contain will hold little interest for the typical modern reader. And yet, they contain a great deal of wisdom, typically
Coyote_gene 07/29/2012
This book has only stayed it's popularity due to establishment hubris. Just because Bacon was so influential to thinkers of his time, does not mean his essays provide much in to modern day intellectuals. I found these essays tiresome. It's merely his two cents about subjects in his contemporary time

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