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The Eight Strokes of the Clock

Maurice Leblanc

Book Overview: 

The Eight Strokes of the Clock is a collection of eight short stories by Maurice Leblanc. The stories have his most famous creation, Arsène Lupin, gentleman-thief, as main character. The eight stories, even though independent, have a leading thread: Lupin, under the name of Serge Rénine, trying to conquer the heart of a young lady, travels with her, solving eight mysteries on the way.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .you please; but what a waste of time!"

He seemed greatly irritated. His long wait at the window, under a blazing sun, had thrown him into a sweat. He went to his bedroom and returned with a bottle of water, of which he took a few sips, afterwards placing the bottle on the window-sill:

"Come along," he said.

Prince Rénine chuckled.

"You seem to be in a hurry to leave the place."

"I'm in a hurry to show you up," retorted Dutreuil, slamming the door.

They went downstairs to the private room containing the telephone. The room was empty. Rénine asked Gaston Dutreuil for the Aubrieuxs' number, took down the instrument and was put through.

The maid who came to the telephone answered that Madame Aubrieux had fainted, after giving way to an access of despair, and that she was now asleep.

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Community Reviews

Eight connected stories starring our favourite gentleman burgler Arsène Lupin.

Nice reading. Eight inter-related stories, rather than a unifying plot. Recommended.

aAAA i LOVEd it
It was basically a small collections of dates Lupin had :D It was nice because Hortense, his companion in a book was really bored with her life, wanting to do something *adventurous*. And I know its a Lupin book, but he actually does good deeds here. Helping lovers, bringing justice t

Ci voleva una pausa dalle storie lunghe con questo otto piccoli racconti. Un buono stacco visto che il prossimo avrà Herlock Sholmes.

За всички почитател(к)и на красивия крадец – джентълмен Арсен Люпен настоящият сборник ще донесе много охкания, ахкания и вероятно в някои случаи леки припадъци за микросекунда, щото сме съвременни кифли, що, тъй като в този малък роман в разкази френският Дон Жуан с бързи пръсти се изживява като ел

Arsene Lupin is like a detective here who solves mysteries and he doesn’t even use his own name. Where is the lupin everyone knows and loves? A bit of a dissapointing read to be honest.

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