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The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science

Thomas Troward

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The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science | Thomas Troward

The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science

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Thomas Troward was a divisional Judge in British-administered India. His avocation was the study of comparative religion. Influences on his thinking, as well as his later writing, included the teachings of Christ, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. After his retirement from the judiciary in 1896, Troward set out to apply logic and a judicial weighing of evidence in the study of matters of cause and effect.

The philosopher William James characterized Troward’s Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science as "far and away the ablest statement of philosophy I have met, beautiful in its sustained clearness of thought and style, a really classic statement."
(Summary by Wikipedia)
otherwise than as universal or infinite. Now it is a mathematical truth that the infinite must be a unity. You cannot have two infinites, for then neither would be infinite, each would be limited by the other, nor can you split the infinite up into fractions. The infinite is mathematically essential unity. This is a point on which too much stress cannot be laid, for there follow from it the most important consequences. Unity, as such, can be neither multiplied nor divided, for either operation destroys the unity. By multiplying, we produce a plurality of units of the same scale as the original; and by dividing, we produce a plurality of units of a smaller scale; and a plurality of units is not unity but multiplicity. Therefore if we would penetrate below the outward nature of the individual to that innermost principle of his being from which his individuality takes its rise, we can do so only by passing beyond the conception of individual existence into that of the unity of universal being. This may appear to be a merely philosophical abstraction, but the student who would produce practical results must realize that these abstract generalizations are the foundation of the practical work he is going to do.

Now the great fact to be recognized about a unity is that, because it is a single unit, wherever it is at all the whole of it must be. The moment we allow our mind to wander off to the idea of extension in space and say that one part of the unit is here and another there, we have descended from the idea of unity into that of parts or fractions of a single unit, which is to pass into the idea of a multiplicity of smaller units, and in that case we are dealing with the relative, or the relation subsisting between two or more entities which are therefore limited by each other, and so have passed out of the region of simple unity which is the absolute. It is, therefore, a mathematical necessity that, because th

Sergio 12/01/2022
Very complete way of understanding one's mind
Brodyn 03/15/2017

There is no book in existence that I have ever read that can compare to this book/// but i suggest of course the entire six books ( THE POWER IN YOU ) - creative process in the individual where he makes a fatal flaw in his premise.
His other books the Hidden Power ( also excellent ) and Bible Mystery
Hiram 02/21/2014
Not only was Judge Troward ahead of his Tim, time still hasn't caught up with him. Hard to read but perseverance will yield truths beyond compare.
David 12/18/2013
i was introduced to "mental science" through Troward, only later reading Holmes and others. He remains a favorite for many reasons, many of which are exemplified in this collection of essays. While Troward's writing was definitely connected with the philosophical and scientific understanding of his
Nora 10/30/2013
I found this the clearest explanation of spiritual principles i had ever read. It is hard going but wrapping the mind around this stuff is not easy.
Elizabeth 12/17/2012
The first time I read this metaphysical classic I hated whacking my way through the Victorian language and page-long paragraphs (or even page-long sentences!). I survived having to read it for a class by retyping the entire book, with paragraph breaks and punctuation where I felt there needed. I als
Bart 08/19/2012
Very tough to get through as it is written almost like a medical dictionary, but very fascinating perspective on mental sciences. Thomas Troward was an amazing person that spent most his life in India as a Judge. Only to retire in the country of his origin , England. Amazing stuff...

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