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Diary of a Suicide

Wallace E. Baker

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Diary of a Suicide | Wallace E. Baker

Diary of a Suicide

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“Mr. B. Russell Herts, c/o International Magazine, New York City. Under separate cover I am sending you a record of a young man who is about to commit suicide. My only object is that it may help…to ease the way for some who come after…. I do not sign this, but you may verify my death by communicating with Mr. ——, whom I am writing to-day, so that he may look after my effects in New York.”

The body of a well-dressed young man was found off Manhattan Beach, Sept. 28. In his pockets a torn photograph of Strindberg and receipts for three registered letters were found. These receipts were traced to Mr. Herts and to friends in Toronto, one of whom identified the body on Oct. 2d as that of Wallace E. Baker.
strong drama, enjoyed Shakespeare both in reading and acting, eagerly devoured dramatic criticisms and I have thought lately very much about this, and I know I should like to write strong dramas of our modern life. However, I shall have to study Ibsen, Strindberg, Brieux, Shaw, and others before I can come to any conclusion as to this.

However, a sea of doubts are now behind and the vista before me is bright.

Yesterday, however, while a day of great interest, was also one of misery, which perhaps accounts for my optimism to-day,—action and reaction being very often equal and opposite with me.

Havana, Sunday, March 24, 1912.

Another beginning to-day and I hope a good one. The unfinished story of the 16th, Saturday, which I failed to relate last Sunday, was the burial of the Maine. Deciding at the last moment to witness this, I boarded the Purisima Concepcion at about 1 o’clock. After a short time, while looking overboard at the struggling crowds, a lot of rope and tackle came down on me from overhead and took half of the day’s pleasure away in the shape of my glasses.- 15 - Thereafter I witnessed all the events with my one remaining lense held over one eye and tied to a handkerchief covering the other and tied behind my ear. It was a miserable subterfuge, and to add to it all I had a beautiful headache; cold, and the fear of glass in my eye—for one lense was smashed right over my eye. However, a day’s strain was all that happened, and when it was all over I voted that the day’s pleasure was worth it.

The sea was very rough and many people were sea-sick, but I enjoyed it very much. About 5 o’clock we were all lined up, the United States naval vessels, North Carolina and Birmingham, the Maine in between, and beyond on the side opposite us the dimi

Isabella 12/06/2021
A haunting diary of a man who struggles with mental illness and trying to live a worthwhile life. Though throughout this diary are mentions of suicide and how even though he doesn't want to kill himself, he can't stop thinking of it. I don't agree with many of his thoughts on life and women, I think
Katelyn 11/04/2020
ehhhh.... although written with grace and intelligence, his outlook on life was grim only because of a boring job and no bitches on his dick. mans was thirsty for some wap.
Nick 09/07/2018
Depiction of the suicide of a fairly standard case. Depressed incel in his early 20s with a shitty family life, no father, weak mother, higher than average IQ but delusions of grandeur as a result, mood swings, bad physical health. Pretty depressing to read knowing how it'll end. Honestly, not parti
Nathan 05/10/2017
I am so happy I found this book. I feel privileged as it is a kinda forgotten classic.
I also feel a little scared, as Wallace and I have a lot in common. He talks about his want to do so many different topics, he too was a lover of the sciences and creative arts. Not just that our thought path seem

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