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The Dawning Ore
Ion Light
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Book Overview:
Planet Tamor is a peculiar world, full of anomalies. The last Fall resulted in radically changed social and political landscapes due to a pandemic, loss of employment, government overthrows, riots, rallies for world change- and yet, strangely enough- the majority of the world watched it unfold through the Cloud, downloading information from the world and the Gift directly into their dreams.Troubles abound, but some find themselves more troubled than others. Guided by the hope of the Emissary, they approach the coming of AI, Singularity, as if it were simply the birth of a new life. Should the world survive the encounter, there is the promise of becoming the newest member of the Milky Way's Confederation of Planets.
Planet Tamor is a peculiar world, full of anomalies. The last Fall resulted in radically changed social and political landscapes due to a pandemic, loss of employment, government overthrows, riots, rallies for world change- and yet, strangely enough- the majority of the world watched it unfold through the Cloud, downloading information from the world and the Gift directly into their dreams.Troubles abound, but some find themselves more troubled than others. Guided by the hope of the Emissary, they approach the coming of AI, Singularity, as if it were simply the birth of a new life. Should the world survive the encounter, there is the promise of becoming the newest member of the Milky Way's Confederation of Planets.
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