This evidence of the lives and habits of the very ancient inhabitants adds much depth and flavour to the "atmosphere," and especially when it is remembered that the original Cornish are the purest example of that old race—the British. Mr. W. H. Hudson, in his book The Land's End, quotes Lord Courtney's saying: "The population of Cornwall in general has remained much more homogeneous, much more Celtic in type, than in other parts; and of all Cornwall there is no part like this [Penzance and Land's End district] in which we meet with probably so pure a breed of human beings."
The nation now calling itself British has Saxon,
Teutonic, French, and Norse blood in its veins, as
well as that of the original stock; but when the
successive waves of invaders swept over the country,[Pg 17]
[Pg 18]
they usually exhausted themselves before reaching
this remote corner, into which the oldest island
stock was swept up.
This probably accounts for the queer impression one often gets in Cornwall of being abroad. It comes suddenly, rising like one of the Cornish mists and enveloping one, until suddenly the conviction that one is
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