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Susan Coolidge

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Clover | Susan Coolidge


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Clover is the fourth book in the popular What Katy Did series. After Katy's wedding, the focus shifts to her little sister Clover. Their brother Phil encounters serious illness in the winter, and Dr. Carr sends him with Clover to the mountains of Colorado. Clarence Page, their naughty cousin from the other books, lives nearby. He is a rancher now with an attractive English partner, Geoff Templestowe, whom Clover falls for.
wed with little Rose.

"Let me det down, pease," said that young lady,—the first remark she had made. "I tan walk all by myself. I am not a baby any more."

"Will you hear her talk?" cried Katy, catching her up. "Isn't it wonderful? Rosebud, who am I, do you think?"

"My Aunt Taty, I dess, betause you is so big. Is you mawwied yet?"

"No, indeed. Did you think I would get 'mawwied' without you? I have been waiting for you and mamma to come and help me."

"Well, we is here," in a tone of immense satisfaction. "Now you tan."

The larger Rose meanwhile was making acquaintance with the others. She needed no introductions, but seemed to know by instinct which was each boy and each girl, and to fit the right names to them all. In five minutes she seemed as much at home as though she had spent her life in Burnet. They bore her into the house in a sort of triumph, and upstairs to the blue bedroom, which Katy and Clover had vacated for her; and such a hubbub of talk and laughter presently issued therefrom that Cousin Helen, on the other side the entry, asked Jane to set her door open that she might enjoy the sounds,—they were so merry.

Rose's bright, rather high-pitched voice was easily distinguishable above the rest. She was evidently relating some experience of her journey, with an occasional splash by way of accompaniment, which suggested that she might be washing her hands.

"Yes, she really has grown awfully pretty; and she had on the loveliest dark-brown suit you ever saw, with a fawn-colored hat, and was altogether dazzling; and, do you know, I was really quite glad to see her. I can't imagine why, but I was! I didn't stay glad long, however."

"Why not? What did she do?" This in Clover's voice.

"Well, she didn't do anything, but she was d

Orinoco Womble (tidy bag and all) 08/07/2018
I came late to the Carr family saga, like in my late thirties. I love The Katy Chronicles: What Katy Did; What Katy Did at School; And What Katy Did Next, and have read it several times, which is why I am so sad to give this volume only three stars. Why? Because there's so little story compared to t
Linda 04/02/2016
Old-fashioned but still enjoyable
Tweety 03/20/2015
What a lovely continuation of the What Katy Did series! This one focuses on Clover, who goes west with her younger brother Phil so that he can recover his health. Once there Clover can't help but feel homesick, till she sees her cousin who has settled down in the high valley with a friend of his. So
Sonia 08/01/2010
Who would imagine, that I would read Clover or Katy Book 4 at my age, but I am glad I did, it brought back to mind how greedily I had read the other three.
Clover goes to Colorado to nurse her brother Phil, loves Colorado and its beautiful mountains, in fact she never wants to get back to the East, l

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