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Cloudy Jewel

Grace Livingston Hill

Book Overview: 

Julia Cloud, the oldest--and most responsible--child of her family, helped raise her four siblings due to their mother's long-time illness and father's death. After faithfully nursing two ill brothers (who died), she then cared for her invalid mother for many years. When Julia's mother passes on, her only surviving sibling Ellen fully expects--and nearly demands--that her spinster sister come live with her family. But to earn her keep, Julia must be their live-in housekeeper and babysitter for Ellen's four children. But Julia's college-age niece and nephew arrive unexpectedly from California and offer Aunt Cloudy Jewel a surprise opportunity she never expected in her wildest dreams.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Perhaps this was the time to repeat Herbert’s threat.

“Herbert feels,” she began, “that if you refuse his offer now he can’t promise to keep it open. He can’t be responsible for you if you take this step. He said he wanted you to understand thoroughly.”

Julia Cloud turned and walked with swift step to the little parlor where lay the paper she and Mr. Luddington had just signed, and a copy of which he had taken with him. She returned to her astonished sister with the paper in her hand.

“Perhaps it would be just as well for you to read this,” she said with dignity, and put the paper into Ellen’s hands, going back to her clearing of the table.

There was silence in the dining-room while Ellen read, Julia moving on quiet feet about the table, putting things to rights. She had finished her part of the argument. She was resolutely putting out of her mind the things her sister had just sai. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Selfless, caring Julia Cloud finds herself "adopted" as a guardian to her headstrong niece and nephew. It seems like a perfect solution for three lonely hearts--the orphaned teens have a great companion to mother them, and their "Cloudy Jewel" finally gets the loving home she's longed for. But what

I love this story. It is a dear one and I have happy memories of my Dad reading it aloud to us.
Is it a bit preachy at times, yes. Hill gets caught in the same trap many authors of today get trapped in thinking the moral issues of the moment are paramount instead of the underlying cause.
I personall

Julia Cloud is a middle-aged spinster of slender means. After spending several years nursing her ailing mother, she is now orphaned, and facing the prospect of becoming an unpaid drudge and childminder for her selfish sister and domineering brother-in-law. Luckily for her, her nephew and niece, chil

This started out promising — another spinster Cinderella story along the lines of Aunt Crete's Emancipation — and then the ridiculous sentimentality took over. This treacly feminine approach to practical Christian living did so much damage to twentieth century evangelicalism. I wonder if there was a

Written in 1920, this book sure goes a long way into showing what society was like in America back then. Jewel, whose real name is Julia Cloud, is a lonely spinster aunt who has been much used to take care of everyone else during her 50 years of life. Now her invalid parents are dead and she has jus

Took me forever to get through this book, but for other reasons besides the book itself.
It was such a sweet, endearing classic, though I wouldn't call it romance. It was so sweet and classic and beautiful and perfect. I really did enjoy it and I think I'll probably read other books by this author as

Decided to try a different kind of novel, a Christian romance. Of course I realized that a Christian book will involve religion but oh boy was there a lot of it lol. It bothered me only at one point when they kept on reading passages from the Bible and discovering the church, that was way too boring

Another sweet non-romance by GLH

I have only read 3 of Grace Livingston Hill's 100+ books, but I think it's interesting that 2 of them have almost identical beginning plot lines: spinster aunt is a sweet and hard working helper to her sister, yet is disrespected and unappreciated by her sister and her sister's children. Then the ne

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