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Joseph Conrad

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Chance | Joseph Conrad


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Apparently a two part story about a Damsel and a Knight, perhaps a damsel who depends upon the kindness of strangers. The book itself was the biggest commercial success for Conrad up until that time. It allowed Conrad for the first time to settle his financial affairs. The author's disdain for people who live on the land is apparent. A new understanding of the word "enthusiastic" is promulgated. And it is a love story.
ust now; I was aware of it on that beautiful day, so fresh, so warm and friendly, so accomplished—an exquisite courtesy of the much abused English climate when it makes up its meteorological mind to behave like a perfect gentleman. Of course the English climate is never a rough. It suffers from spleen somewhat frequently—but that is gentlemanly too, and I don’t mind going to meet him in that mood. He has his days of grey, veiled, polite melancholy, in which he is very fascinating. How seldom he lapses into a blustering manner, after all! And then it is mostly in a season when, appropriately enough, one may go out and kill something. But his fine days are the best for stopping at home, to read, to think, to muse—even to dream; in fact to live fully, intensely and quietly, in the brightness of comprehension, in that receptive glow of the mind, the gift of the clear, luminous and serene weather.”

That day I had intended to live intensely and quietly, basking in the weather’s glory which would have lent enchantment to the most unpromising of intellectual prospects. For a companion I had found a book, not bemused with the cleverness of the day—a fine-weather book, simple and sincere like the talk of an unselfish friend. But looking at little Fyne seated in the room I understood that nothing would come of my contemplative aspirations; that in one way or another I should be let in for some form of severe exercise. Walking, it would be, I feared, since, for me, that idea was inseparably associated with the visual impression of Fyne. Where, why, how, a rapid striding rush could be brought in helpful relation to the good Fyne’s present trouble and perplexity I could not imagine; except on the principle that senseless pedestrianism was Fyne’s panacea for all the ills and evils bodily and spiritual of the universe. It could be of no use for me to say or do anything. It was bound to come. Contemplating his muscular li

Georgia 10/20/2024
Some people believe in guardian angels, others in luck or chance. Whatever you call it, Flora needs help. It's not that she's crazy, though there are times she makes people wonder about that. She is suicidal. Detached emotionally. And in pain. She's hard to like.

Yet, in the end, she is her own sour
Tessa 10/28/2022
"Blandete in pasiune! Ce putea fi mai seducator pentru infometata si zdrobita inima a fetei?"
"O tanara fata, stii, e ca un templu. Treci pe langa el si te intrebi ce misterioase ritualuri se petrec acolo inauntru, ce rugaciuni, ce viziuni?"
Ca de fiecare data citesc cu placere, emotie si curiozitate
Wendy 02/01/2013
Conrad's moral imagination is unparalleled, except by Henry James, of whose influence this book bears some signs. Also breathtaking in its technical handling of the mechanics of narrative. Anyone wishing to study or write a novel could do no better than to start here.
Larry 08/16/2010
This is now my favourite Conrad novel, completely different than any of his other books and a most pleasant surprise. A unique love story, its quirkiness suggests it was ahead of its time with the unique and strong female character. A great love story!
David 12/16/2008
Mediocre Joseph Conrad, only recommended for die-hard fans or completests. Basically a slow moving story of how chance plays into the lives of the main characters and brings about a minor miracle.

In typical Conrad fashion, he employs an awkward narrative device. It's basically in 1st person although

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