Indiana, intent but upon running on, had nearly reached the church-yard, without hearkening to one word of the expostulating Mandlebert; when, leaning over a tombstone, on which she had herself leant while waiting for the carriage, she perceived the young Oxonian. An instinctive spirit of coquetry made her now increase her pace; he heard the rustling of female approach, and looked up: her beauty, heightened by her flight, which animated her complexion, while it displayed her fine form, seemed more than ever celestial to the enamoured student; who darted forward from an impulse of irresistible surprise. 'O Heaven!' she cried, panting and stopping as he met her; 'I shall die! I shall die!—I am pursued by a mad bull!'
Edgar would have explained, that all was safe; but Melmond neither heard nor saw him.—'O, give me, then,' he cried, emphatically; 'give me the ecstasy to protect—to save you!'
His out-spread arms shewed his intention to bear her away; but Edgar, placing himself between them, said: 'Pardon me, sir! this lady is under my care!'
'O don't fight about me! don't quarrel!' cried Indiana, with an apprehension half simple, half affected.
'No, Madam!' answered Melmond, respectfully retreating; 'I know too—too well! my little claim in such a dispute!—Permit me, however, to assist you, Mr. Mandlebert, in your search of refuge; and deign, madam, to endure me in your sight, till this alarm passes away.'
Indiana, by no means insensible to this language, looked with some elation at Edgar, to see how he bore it.
Edgar was not surprised; he had already observed the potent impression made by the beauty of Indiana upon the Oxonian; and w
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On second read, I am still standing by my original opinion.
It's an interesting read in itself and as a "product" of its time, but for me as a modern reader, and especially in comparison with Jane Austen, it's just too excessive. There's too much of everything, like a pantomime.