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Bridge Day

Mike Bozart

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Book Overview: 

An Asian American duet are on their first road-trip date. From Charlotte they travel to the New River Bridge (WV). One, two.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Kye was a 29-year-old, male, childless, unmarried-and-still-very-much-single Laotian American. Mony was a 28-year-old, female, childless, unmarried-and-still-very-much-single Cambodian American. They both lived and worked in Charlotte. A 30-year-old Filipina named Lucinda, who was an acquaintance of both, was the matchmaker. After Kye and Mony had a few weekend coffees and a lunch together in the early fall of 2006, they decided to have their first all-day date at the New River Gorge festival known as Bridge Day in southern West Virginia.. . . Read More