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The Book of Enoch
Book Overview:
The Book of Enoch, is an ancient, non-canonical Jewish work. Estimates vary on the actual dates of authorship. However, Enoch was alive during the Antediluvian period as recorded in the Hebrew Bible. Fragments of the text, were discovered in cave 4 of the Qumran caves in 1948.
The Book of Enoch, is an ancient, non-canonical Jewish work. Estimates vary on the actual dates of authorship. However, Enoch was alive during the Antediluvian period as recorded in the Hebrew Bible. Fragments of the text, were discovered in cave 4 of the Qumran caves in 1948.
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Community Reviews
Cultura general pura. Muy interesante y parabólico.
El Libro de Enoc es un libro se dice intertestamentario que forma parte del canon de la Biblia de los patriarcados de Etiopía y Eritrea de la Iglesia Copta. No es reconocido como canónico por el resto de las Iglesias cristianas, a pesar de haber si
Popsugar Challenge 2021 - DNF book from your TBR list
If you're going to read a religious text, may as well make it a short one! At around 120 pages I was interested in reading this because I'm told was removed from the Bible and that the Jews weren't happy with this one either and totally rejected
'The Book of Enoch' is the little pre-Christian book (best guesses of scholars place its creation around 100 BC, give or take a century) which ended up being a Blockbuster world-changer. It has had a HUGE influence on many future literary and genre authors, and the Bible's New Testament, and Hollywo
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