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The Bondi Finz
SJ House
Book Overview:
Planet Fin’s gnarly, alien inhabitants love nothing more than to surf the waves of their oceans. But they did not take care of their environment and the surf turned into green slimy gunk called slurf. Yuk! They develop a bio beam to rejuvenate the slurf, but the laser misfires. The beam ricochets around the galaxies before zapping Earth through a surf shop window in Bondi, Sydney, Australia, where a row of surfboard fins are displayed. ZAP! KAPOW! The Finz burst to life! Seven knee-high, radical characters begin an epic adventure on a quest for the holy grail of surf.
Will the Finz find out why they were created? Will they help the alien leader save Planet Fin’s surf? Read on, groms! And big groms at heart too!
Planet Fin’s gnarly, alien inhabitants love nothing more than to surf the waves of their oceans. But they did not take care of their environment and the surf turned into green slimy gunk called slurf. Yuk! They develop a bio beam to rejuvenate the slurf, but the laser misfires. The beam ricochets around the galaxies before zapping Earth through a surf shop window in Bondi, Sydney, Australia, where a row of surfboard fins are displayed. ZAP! KAPOW! The Finz burst to life! Seven knee-high, radical characters begin an epic adventure on a quest for the holy grail of surf.
Will the Finz find out why they were created? Will they help the alien leader save Planet Fin’s surf? Read on, groms! And big groms at heart too!
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“Remember, Flash, we’re not buying today. We’re just trying,” Jazz reminds him.
Sharp stares up at a set of drums, stroking his moustache. “Arr, never mind being able to afford these instruments arr, what about being able to reach them? We’re way too small for these human, hairy headed instruments.” Sharp reaches for a large snare drum but is unable to get his hands to the top.
Bone stands next to a bass guitar that’s more than five times his height. “Yeah man, how are we going to jam with these?”
“And guys, look how tall these microphone stands are. How will we ever sing into these?” MJ reaches for the mic, but can’t come close t. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
This is a great story that will keep children reading to the end and asking for more. In this case, there is more. This is volume one. This book has a really unusual story with some out of this world characters. The dialogue between characters is magnificent. Once your children read this book they w