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Bill & Doreen's Married Life

C.J. Dennis

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Bill & Doreen's Married Life | C.J. Dennis

Bill & Doreen's Married Life

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Bill & Doreen's Married Life (Selections from "Doreen")" is the sequel to "Bill & Doreen's Courtship" and "Bill & Doreen Get Hitched", the latter two being "Selections from 'The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke'". "The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke" is a verse novel by Australian novelist and poet C. J. Dennis."The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke" tells the story of Bill, a larrikin of the Little Lonsdale Street push, who is introduced to a young woman by the name of Doreen. The book chronicles their courtship and marriage, detailing Bill's transformation from a violence-prone gang member to a contented husband and father.

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