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Behind the Beyond

Stephen Leacock

Book Overview: 

A collection containing a parody on Problem Plays, as well as humorous anecdotes from Canadian humourist Stephen Leacock.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Is he here?" She looks about her.

"No, madame, he is gone this moment in a taxi—to the Hotel Bristol, I heard him say."

Mrs. Harding, faltering. "Is—any one—here?"

"No, madame, no one—milady was here a moment ago. She, too, has gone out." (This is a lie but of course the maid is a French maid.)

"Then it is true—there is some one——" She is just saying this when the bell rings, the door opens and there enters—Sir John Trevor.

"You!" says Mrs. Harding.

"I am too late!" gasps Sir John.

She goes to him tremblingly—"After all these years," she says.

"It is a long time."

"You have not changed."

She has taken his hands and is looking into his face, and she goes on speaking. "I have thought of you so often in all these bitter years[37]—it sustained me even at the worst—and I knew, John, that it was for my sake that you . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Lesser books have gotten greater reviews but the measure of a book's quality is not by the stars it receives but by the mirth it delivers to its readers. Stephen Leacock's book or rather contribution to human knowledge shall remain etched in the crests and troughs of mine. Every now and then as I sh

Dit is vintage Leacock, meer kan daar niet over gezegd worden. Bijwijlen barstte ik ronduit in schaterlachen uit en doorgaans zat ik te grinniken of had ik een brede glimlach op mijn gezicht. De satirische toon en recht voor z'n raap humor van Stephen Leacock, daar kan je blijven van genieten.