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The Beaver - Volume 1, No. 10

Hudson's Bay Company

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Article 17—That the following country produce be forwarded to Green Lake, Autumn 1878, or Spring of 1879, for transport service in English River District, Season 1879, viz:

250 bags common pemmican, each 100 lbs. 400 whole dressed buffalo skins. 50 large dressed moose skins. 8 leather tents, each 10 skins.

Article 18—That the following country produce be furnished by the Saskatchewan District, season 1878, for distribution 1879, among the Districts of Norway House, York Factory and Island Lake, and that the same be forwarded to Grand Rapids for that purpose:

300 bags common pemmican, each 100 lbs. 20 leather tents, each 10 or 12 skins. 600 whole buffalo skins. 400 half buffalo skins.

Article 19—That the country-made articles for the Saskatchewan District for Outfit 1879 be provided at . . . Read More