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The Beaked Whales of the Family Ziphiidae

Frederick W. True

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .The captain of one of Mr. Vautier’s ships, on his return from a voyage to the colonies, saw floating on the water, at the entrance to the English Channel, the body of a large animal entirely covered by birds (large and small gulls, etc.), which were devouring it. The ship approached the stray, and the captain, knowing that Mr. Abel Vautier was greatly interested in natural objects, had the head of the cetacean cut off, fastened it securely with a cord, and let it trail behind the ship. When he arrived at Caën he made a present of it to Mr. Vautier. The piece had at that time an appearance anything but agreeable. Mr. Vautier was especially fond of beautiful objects which please the eye, and hence he offered it to my father, saying, “You, who are an anatomist, can make better use of this than I can.” My father was unwilling to refuse the present, but neither he nor Mr. Vautier knew as yet of its extreme rarity. It is in fact, up to the present time, the on. . . Read More