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Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John

L. Frank Baum

83 ratings
Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John | L. Frank Baum

Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John

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Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John picks up the continuing story of the three cousins Patsy Doyle, Beth De Graf, and Louise Merrick, and their family; the plot of the book begins three days after the wedding of Louise and her fiancé Arthur Weldon, the event that concluded the sixth book in the series, Aunt Jane's Nieces in Society. Uncle John hires a touring car and the party makes a tour of the South West, visiting New Mexico and Arizona.
ed but was now sadly faded and tawdry. It proved to be fairly comfortable, however, and the first care of the party was to see Myrtle Dean safely established in a cosy room, with a grate fire to cheer her. Patsy and Beth had adjoining rooms and kept running in for a word with their protégé, who was so astonished and confused by her sudden good fortune that she was incapable of speech and more inclined to cry than to laugh.

During the evening Uncle John was busy at the telegraph booth. He sent several messages to Leadville, to Anson Jones, to the Chief of Police and to the various hotels; but long before midnight, when the last replies were received, he knew that Anson Jones had left Leadville five months ago, and his present whereabouts were unknown. Having learned these facts the little man went to bed and slept peacefully until morning.

Myrtle had begged them to see that she was called at five o'clock, that she might have ample time to get to the depot for her train, but no one called her and the poor child was so weary and worn with her trip that the soft bed enthralled her for many hours after daybreak.

Patsy finally aroused her, opening the blinds to let in the sunshine and then sitting beside Myrtle's bed to stroke her fair hair and tell her it was nearly noon.

"But my train!" wailed the girl, greatly distressed.

"Oh, the train has gone hours ago. But never mind that, dear. Uncle John has telegraphed to Leadville and found that Anson Jones is not there. He left months ago, and is now wandering; in fields and pastures unknown."

Myrtle sat up in bed and glared at Patsy wild-eyed.

"Gone!" she said. "Gone! Then what am I to do?"

"I can't imagine, dear," said Patsy, soothingly. "What do you think you will do?"

The girl seemed dazed and for a time could not reply.

Robin 04/20/2022
This book is remarkable for the big road trip the family take, basically along what would become Route 66. Anyone familiar with this road trip will enjoy this little bit of history, and appreciate the hardships of early motoring.
Kailey (Luminous Libro) 04/21/2021
Patsy and Beth are on a cross-country automobile drive with their father and uncle John, when they encounter a disabled young girl searching for her distant relatives. They decide to help her, and the group travels across the Southwest, finding adventure on their way to California.

The plot can be a
Little Red Readinghood 02/22/2018
In today's society this book can be called racist. However in the time period it was written this was the thoughts of the majority of citizens in the U S. So at that time it wouldn't have been called racist but even enlightened for its positive portrait of the chauffeur as they got to know him. It i
Gordon 07/25/2013
Always a happy ending!
Julie 06/24/2013
A sweet story.
Eveline 10/25/2012
As this is book #5 the story lines are becoming predictable but still very enjoyable all told.
Orion 06/23/2011
This is the most racist of the series so far. Baum's writing may have been acceptable 100 years ago but his classist, racist attitudes really show through in this book if the series.

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